Chapter 1: First Chanson

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Y/n was sleeping soundly until he felt his blanket removed with so much force that he was sent spiraling through the air before crashing into the wall of his room. He didn't scream as the sound produced by his breaking of his bones, was loud enough to send the message.

He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with sight of his Kouhai who had a very dark look on her face. Y/n visibly gulped at the cold daggers being hurled at his chest through her eyes.

Mash: Seennppppaaiiiii........

Her cold tone seemed to make even the temperature of the room, drop to zero. Her aura was like a blizzard on a cold mountain. Y/n gave her an awkward smile in a vain attempt to escape the inevitable fate he was bestowed with. 

Unfortunately, it only worsened the situation as the burning rage in her cold eyes became even hotter. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the figure of the half-naked Saber Lily sleeping with a peaceful look on her face. His left eye twitched at the Servant who slept without a care in the world while he was in the middle of his execution. 

Mash cleared her throat, bringing Y/n's attention back to her as she rubbed her fist with her palm, ready to dole out his undue judgement. Y/n sighed as he resigned himself to his fate. 

(Time skip)

Y/n rubbed his ears pain as he reported to the command room. His Kouhai had scolded him for two hours straight as she spoke about the boundaries between opposite sex. Well in his defense, it's not like violated her or anything. He just slept with a teen girl who was too scared to go to her bed. He just didn't want the mental health of his Servant be affected. There is nothing wrong with that right?

Y/n drowned out Romani's lecture about 'Rayshifting' as he already knew about it. After all, when you are the last resort who will probably never be used, you got lots of free time do obtain knowledge about other stuff. Y/n's straight lips bent a little at the ends as he reminisced the sad days of the past. 

Mash/Saber Lily: Master...... Are you okay?

The two girls standing on the either side of him, tugged at his two arms respectively with a concerned look on their faces. Y/n refocused his attention back into the present as he gave them a reassuring nod. Y/n shifted his gaze to Romani and Da Vinci as he gave them one too.  They smiled, though Y/n could see a bit of concern in their eyes for him. 

He shrugged it off and asked if the preparations for rayshifting were finished. 

Romani: Huh? Oh yes! They are completed. We can send you anytime.

Y/n nodded before looking over his shoulder.

Y/n: ......

Mash/Saber Lily: Yes, we are ready Master!!!

Romani: Alright then, all procedures completed. preparing to rayshift to France, 1431 AD.

Y/n felt his consciousness drift away as the rayshifting begin.


Y/n slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of green meadows spreading as far as the eye could see, along with a clear blue sky. Y/n felt the freshness of the air as he breathed. In his peripheral vision, he saw Mash walk up to him along with Saber Lily 

Mash: Senpai! Are you okay? You are not hurt anywhere, are you?!

Y/n shook his head as his Kouhai's eyes scanned his body for any signs of injury. Saber Lily also had a concerned look on her face. Y/n rolled his eyes before rubbing their heads affectionately, making their cheeks turn bright pink.

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