Chapter 9: Ninth Chanson

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A menacing silence fell over the battlefield. The Master of Chaldea had his scythe pressed against Jalter's throat, seemingly declaring his unannounced victory.

Jalter chuckled nervously at her less than favorable position. However, on the inside she was deathly afraid for her life.

She couldn't understand her state of mind at all. She had experienced death before, so this should not be new to her yet, something in her mind told her that the death bestowed by the man in front of her would be thousand times worse than being burned on a stake.

Jalter: Well, I have to give it to you. Bo one in the entire world has been able to force me into such a predicament ever before.

The Fallen Saint put on a smug look but Y/n could still see her quivering lips behind her mask of false bravery.

The Master of Chaldea raised his scythe up in the air, preparing to deliver the final blow. However, he was interrupted mid-strike by large, reptilian tail which slammed against the ground between him and Jalter.

Y/n was forced to jump back in order to not get squashed. He shifted his cold gaze towards the culprit and found Fafnir lumbering back to its feet.

The Dragon had a deep gash running down the side of his face, cutting his right eye in half.

It snarled at the Master of Chaldea, certainly unhappy about his new makeover. The Dragon opened its mouth once again as a large ball of red-hot flames began swirl between its sharp fangs.

Y/n turned around to escape when suddenly, the ground beneath him broke open and purple tentacles shot out of the ground, entangling the Master of Chaldea  in their slimy grip.

Gilles: I do not think so.....

Y/n glanced at perpetrator and found the perverted heretic flashing him a pleasant  smile which made Y/n feel very uncomfortable for some reason.

Mash: Senpai!!!

His Kouhai's shouts of concern were well-founded as the heat emanating from the Dragon's mouth was sign for the near completion of its attack.

Fafnir finished charging up before releasing a tremendous torrent of fire at the restrained figure of Y/n.

Normally, a person would resign themselves to death. However, Y/n wasn't a normal person. He was magus, a Master on on top of that. And, he knew just what to do.

The Master of Chaldea clenched his right hand. The crimson inscriptions on his hand began to glow.

Our Lord is with us!

Oh flag of mine, protect our comrades!

Luminosité Eternelle!

A wall of brilliant light appeared in front of Y/n, shielding the Master of Chaldea from the raging flames. He shifted his gaze to his savior and was not at all surprised to see the kneeling figure of his Ruler Servant.

Jeanne d'Arc had her flag-spear planted on the ground in front of her. Her determined gaze assured Y/n of his safety as he knew the Saint was not about to let her Master receive a single burn from the Dragon's flames.

Fafnir tried to supply more power to its attack but it was interrupted by a slash of blue light which sliced right through its hard scales.

The Dragon roared in pain as it once again fell to the ground.

???: It has been a long time since I last saw your vile face, Fafnir.

The Dragon trembled in fear at the familiarity of the voice. It slowly turned its gaze and felt the need to fly away immediately at the sight of the man in front of him.

 It slowly turned its gaze and felt the need to fly away immediately at the sight of the man in front of him

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???: On my True Name as Siegfried, The Dragon Slayer. I shall behead you once again, Evil Dragon.

Siegfried brandished his legendary sword, Balmung at Fafnir. His intent to kill the Dragon was clear as day.

Fafnir sensed the bloodlust emanating from the Dragon Slayer. It knew if Siegfried joined the fight, then its death would become a certainty.

Fafnir was prideful creature. And, the idea that entered its mind would make it a laughing stock among the Phantasmal Beasts. However, it would guarantee its survival to some extent at the very least.

Also, Dragons are very loyal creatures. There has never existed a Dragon in the pan-human history who betrayed its Master without a legitimate reason to do so.

Fafnir glanced at Witch who had fallen unconscious after defending her from the Chaldeans, especially from the cold hearted young man who blinded its right eye.

Fafnir was thankful that the young man was not a dragon, or else it would have been killed and devoured by him a long time ago.

The Dragon felt to enervated to stand but  it had no other choice. It sluggishly stood back up and streched its colossal wings.
It bit down the pain flaring from its side and like a bat out of hell, it flapped them.

The beating wings of the giant Dragon made an enormous cloud of dust rise up from the ground, covering the entire vicinity in a shroud of soot and grime.

Everyone covered their eyes, unable to look at the Dragon without the dirt getting in their eyes. When the dust finally cleared. The Dragon was nowhere to be found.

Y/n was impressed by Fafnir's last minute escape plan. He had definitely underestimated the Dragon's strategic mind.

Y/n tilted his head upwards and saw the tail of the Dragon disappearing into the blanket of white clouds.

A strange thought surfaced his mind.

He wanted a pet dragon of his own....

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