Small Beginnings

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"And it looks like that's done it for their opponents! Defeated by Aura Level!!" An announcer declares

"That's it for the Veteran Round! Be sure to stay tuned folks because the Champion Round will be coming shortly after a quick break!" The commenter informs. "I'd say place your bets, but we already know who's going to win this last round, don't we Cecil?"

"I wouldn't count your chickens just yet, Mark! Remember, there's always a chance for anyone's winning streak to break in the Champion Round!" The Announcer warns. "We'll be back later after these messages!"

The screen changes to a commercial break after a young man, Fenrir Calavera, watched the Announcer and Commenter discuss the battle. Fenrir sighs...the Champion Round, it's a surprise even for him. Fenrir scans the ready room to see it's only him inside, perhaps his opponent is at the other side of the tournament? It'd make sense. Fenrir feels his scroll vibrating, so he fishes it out of his pocket to see two messages

"Good luck in the tournament, Fen!" From Pen

"Have fun, kiddo." From Maria Calavera

Fenrir chuckles to himself, they're always so supportive. He puts away his scroll, now equipping his scythe for a look. Fenrir still has a few minutes before the final round starts, it wouldn't hurt to get a little more practice in


This is the moment, the time to show everything Fenrir's been trained to do. He opens his eye as the lift takes him to the arena, hearing the crowd cheer all around him.

"The Champions Round has begun! First stepping into the arena, Fenrir Calavera! This scythe-wielding monster has remained undefeated during his time in the tournament! But that may change when he finds out who he'll be fighting against!"

"Right about that, Cecil, because this combatant's won the tournament for three years straight! But who knows? Maybe Fenrir has the ability to break that streak! Everyone, please welcome our true tournament champion, Pyrrha Nikos!!"

The crowd roars even louder the moment this Nikos girl enters the arena. Dressed like a golden gladiator, wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Pyrrha gives a warm smile

"Hello there! Congrats on making it this far in the tournament!" Pyrrha says

Fenrir's a little surprised by this girl's friendly greeting, despite being opponents. Nonetheless, he decided to return the gesture.

"Thanks, think I'll be able to break your winning streak?" Fenrir smirks

"Maybe, but I won't go down so easily." Pyrrha smiles

"Ha! Wasn't counting it." Fenrir chuckles

Both Fenrir and Pyrrha enter their battle-ready stances.

"Ready?! And...begin!!!"

Fenrir charges at Pyrrha, swinging down his scythe, Pyrrha blocks with her shield and deflects the attack, pushing Fenrir in the air. Fenrir recovers and throws his scythe at Pyrrha. She deflects the scythe with her shield again, Fenrir lands back to ground and reaches his arm toward Pyrrha. The Spartan tilts her head in confusion until she notices a purple glow on his glove. She looks behind to see the scythe coming back, so Pyrrha ducks. Fenrir grabs his scythe and charges for another attack as Pyrrha recovers from the surprise. Pyrrha parries Fenrir's attack with her spear when it nearly hit her.

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