Beacon's Initiation

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Upon hearing the sounds of a rooster, Fenrir opens his eye and gets hit with an intense ray of sunlight shining on his face

"Ugh...tell the sun to kick it down a notch..." Fenrir groggily says

Fenrir stands up and grabs his outerwear, heading to the bathroom to change. Once he arrives in the cafeteria, with his combat outfit on, he approaches the booth that was serving pick up food for the new students. But when he looks at the tray, he sees only one pound of steak laying inside, with no other side dishes to add it

"Sorry kid, should've gotten here sooner." The chef says.

"Eh, beggars can't be choosers." Fenrir shrugs like it's no big deal, and reaches for the food

When Fenrir grabs the steak, he notices another hand grabbing the other end. Fenrir glares at the owner of the hand to a boy with glasses and red hair tied in a short ponytail, looking at Fenrir

"That's MY food you're holding..." The boy says

"And how's it yours...?" Fenrir asks

"Let go of it." The boy demands

"You first..." Fenrir growls

Staring daggers into each other's eyes, the standoff began to draw a crowd as Jotaro, Jaune, Crimson, Ruby and Yang were watching. Fenrir and the boy both raise the steak closer to each other, still not letting it go

"Give food!" The boy orders

"Only if you say 'please'!" Fenrir jokes

"That's not a magic word!" The boy corrects

"Huh?!" Fenrir tilts his head in confusion

"Get your hands off it!" The boy continues, pulling the steak

"YOU get YOUR hands off it!!" Fenrir pulls back

They both continue pulling against the single meat using their strengths and neither of them will let it go. Upon the commotion, Weiss walks among the crowd and approaches Jotaro, looking at Fenrir and the boy with glasses

"What in the world is going on?" Weiss asks, folding her arms

"Apparently, they are fighting over a single steak..." Jotaro sighs.

"Seriously? On initiation day?" Weiss scoffs

"I don't understand it either..." Jotaro says

Using more of their strengths, Fenrir and the boy continued pulling the two sides of the steak up until it began to tear...with a snap, Fenrir loses his balance and crashes against the wall behind him, holding a piece of the the steak while the boy stands in place looking at the other piece in his hand. He sighs and walks away as Fenrir recovers from the impact.

"Ow..." Fenrir groans

Weiss shakes her head at the event, turns her attention back to Jotaro

"Let's go, we need to get our stuff from the locker rooms!" Weiss says

"Right behind you." Jotaro nods


At the locker room, Ruby and Yang are getting ready for initiation, all they need to do is grab their weapons

"Hey, did you hear about what happened at the cafeteria?" Ruby asks. "Fenrir was fighting over a piece of steak against another student, I wonder why."

"Eh, Fenrir looks like the type of guy who'd fight over anything, I wouldn't worry too much about it. So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!" Yang says, looking at her sister

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