Importance of Teamwork

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Another day arrives in Beacon Academy. Dust and Chemistry class was about to begin soon when Team CJVR arrived. They approach the desk beside RWBY and behind JNPR until they notice the Professor hasn't arrived yet.

"Uh, where's Professor Peach?" Crimson asks, scanning the room with his eyes.

"Dunno, she wasn't here when we arrived." Yang answers. "Maybe she's out sick?"

"I doubt it...Professor Peach is available no matter what condition she is in." Jotaro answers, earning questionable looks from the others. "It's what I've heard, at least."

"Maybe it's some kind of test?" Fenrir says, about to sit down until the chair's legs fold from the weight and drop, making Fenrir fall. "Ow! What the hell?!"

Fenrir climbs up to his feet, recovering from the fall. Most of the students look at Fenrir with a mix of surprise and concern. He was equally confused as to why the chair folded like that.

"Be careful with those chairs, Fenrir." Pyrrha represses a chuckle, looking at him from behind. "Their screws weren't built like they used to."

Fenrir tilts his head, confused until Pyrrha holds up a single screw in her fingers. He can already connect the dots about what happened.

"I guess this makes us even now." Pyrrha smiles.

"Don't count on it, Nikos." Fenrir smirks, taking the screw off Pyrrha's hand. "I'll get you back for this, just wait."

Suddenly, the class door slams open by a woman with blonde hair wrapped in a bun, cyan eyes, wearing a lab coat, lab goggles, rubber gloves, pink shirt and a blue skirt. This is the Dust and Chemistry teacher, Professor Peach

"Hello, fellow students!!!! So glad you all could make it to class!!" Peach greets with joy.

Professor Peach approaches her desk and places each Dust vial on it

"I'm Professor Peach and I'll teach you all about Dust and how you should carefully use them. As you can see, Dust has become the turning point in human and Faunus evolution. With this, you can run cars, make bullets and can even cast elemental powers from these things!" Peach begins.

To prove her point, she opens up a case she was carrying, pulling out a Fire Dust Crystal and an Electric Dust Crystal

"As you notice by different colors, each Dust has its own ability! Red equals fire and yellow equals electricity! Not much else is known about its origin, only that it's really important in our society! You already learned the basics in Combat Schools, so this will be more advanced learning"

Weiss, noticing the two Dust Crystals are painfully close to each other, raises her hand.

"Yes! Miss Schnee!" Peach calls.

"Professor Peach, it's not a good idea to hold the two crystals together. Shouldn't you carry them separately?" Weiss suggests

"Missy, I've been studying about Dust since your mommy read you a bedtime story!" Peach scoffs, not noticing the two Dust Crystals are reacting to each other from proximity

Noticing the crystals' reaction, River puts on his headphones and quickly ducks under the desk.

"But, Professor-,"

"Trust me, kiddo! I am a woman of science, and I know exactly what I am doing."

Then, the two crystals explode, knocking the Professor out while the students quickly duck under their desks to avoid the shockwave from the explosion. As the smoke began to clear, River and the rest of the students look from their desks to see if Professor Peach was ok

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