Survival Test

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Mornings have never been friendly to Fenrir, waking up so early it feels like he barely had any sleep at all. It even begs the leader of Team CJVR to wonder why he had to wake up at 5 in the morning for a field trip. As Fenrir is riding on the seat of a bullhead, his eye is slowly closing into sleepiness...until the sudden shake of a landing jolts Fenrir back up. He notices the doors open up and decide it's time to get off, grabbing the supplies the teacher required him and other students to bring. As Fenrir steps off the bullhead with the other passengers, he looks around to see the others were lacking the energy like him.

"Alright students, may I have your attention please?!" Port calls to attention the students look at the Professor, ready to listen." Now, before we begin this field trip exercise, I would like to bring the issue to your attention. I know waking up early in the morning is not something you are accustomed to, but it's important for every leader to be ready at the break of dawn, especially if their team travels on foot. I am sure you are all curious as to why we have not only summoned the leaders of each team, but called in the second year students as well. It is because this field trip is a test of your survival skills, to understand how the wild forces of Remnant's nature actually works, it is not only a requirement as Huntsmen, but as leaders, to aid their teammates when not even they know how to survive in the wild. Why, it even takes me back to my younger days when I was stranded on an island for three months, and I only had the supply of worms and mud water to keep me going!"

All the students then looked at each other in disgust from Port's tale, even Fenrir grew a little disgusted. After all, worms are supposed to be poisonous to your digestive system, as Fenrir learned that the hard way. Clearing his throat, Port continues addressing the importance of the exercise

"Ahem, moving on. Your assignment in this exercise is very simple! There are packs of Grimm in the forest and grow ever closer to Vale. It will be your job to hunt them down and exterminate every Grimm you find. Each Grimm you kill adds a point to your grades. This hunt will take longer than originally thought which is why you are allowed to bring the necessary supplies such as a tent and blankets to sleep in, but you will need to find your own firewood; to gather food you must hunt for them, too! Once you've exterminated enough Grimm to keep Vale safe, we will all return here, if you wish to back out, simply send us a signal and we will escort you back to Beacon, fair warning though, if you abort this exercise and go back to Beacon, you will receive a very poor grade, this is meant to be a test of skill, endurance and survival. If you do not have such talents then you will not succeed as Huntsmen. I will remain here to watch in case any of you students will get into an impossible fight, the second years will also be aiding you if there is any trouble, to clarify...they will help you, but they won't do anything for you. I hope I have made that clear. Now then, you may pair up with any other student or set out on your own, best of luck to all of you!"

Fenrir looks at the students who had muttering complaints and groans because most of them never actually had a life in the wild. But Fenrir feels more at home, he doesn't need to learn how to survive because it's second nature. As Fenrir sets off on his own, he hears the worried moans of another student. He looks around for the sound of moaning, noticing Ruby who appears distressed. Of course, Fenrir has survival skills...but Ruby does not.

"Hey, little red!" Fenrir waves, approaching Ruby who nearly jumps at his greeting.

"Oh, hey Fenrir." Ruby sighs, slightly embarrassed.

"Wanna pair up? I figured it would be dangerous if you were to hunt in the wild by yourself."

"Uh...y-yeah! Sure!"

"Great, let's get going. We'll start with the larger packs, should be easier to find."

"Alright...lead on!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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