First Semester

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Within the darkest night of the forest in Anima, shows a little boy, Fenrir Calavera, sitting under a lonely tree, clutching on a giant axe that was formerly his father's...Fenrir cries and cries, but no one comes to his one to help him. The only thing that he can do, is find his Grandmother, he knows she'll be able to help him. As Fenrir musters up the strength to stand up with the help of his father's axe, he hears something bustling in the bushes. Caution, he approaches the rustled bushes, curious to what could be moving. Suddenly, a giant spider with glowing orange eyes jumps right out and lunges at Fenrir. Screaming in terror, he tries to run but his legs are unable to move and just as it gets him...

Fenrir wakes up screaming, sitting from his bed inside the dorm room. Taking deep breaths, Fenrir tries to calm himself down; touching the scar on his right eye


Morning arrives as the sun shines through the window overlooking Beacon Academy from the new room of Team RWBY, inside, Weiss Schnee is sleeping soundly in her bed. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby Rose, dressed in her strangely-colored school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed.

"Good morning, team RWBY!" Ruby cheers, jumping off Weiss' bed

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss asks, laying on the floor

"Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business." Ruby says, ignoring the question

"Excuse me?!" Weiss stands up, brushing herself off

"Decorating!" Yang Xiao Long says, holding a bunch of decorative junk besides Blake Belladonna who's holding one simple suitcase

"What?!" Weiss exclaims in surprise

"We still have to unpack." Blake says, holding up the suitcase only to accidentally spill its contents. "Aaaand clean."

Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back again with the blow of her whistle.

"Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! Banzai!" Ruby raises her fist up cheerfully

"Banzai!" Blake and Yang cheer along imitating Ruby's pose, they turn at an angle as Weiss lays on the floor, frustrated she has to work with these clowns.


In Team CJVR's dorm, Fenrir, Jotaro and Crimson are getting ready for their first class, putting on their school uniforms. Jotaro was dressed properly while Fenrir decides to wear the uniform his own way; still wearing his jeans and boots while his left sleeve is rolled up and his tie's crooked.

"Ugh, why do we have to wear these ridiculous ties?!" Crimson complains, struggling to tie his tie.

"What, you don't wear ties where you're from?" Fenrir jokes, smirking.

"No, we had shirts and pants and it was enough! Vacuo ain't the place where we dress all...fancy!" Crimson says, continuing to struggle with his tie.

"These uniforms help us look presentable. We are the face of the new generation and so we must honor our Huntsmen predecessors by showing how much we care for Remnant and its people." Jotaro explains, finished with his tie. "Things in Beacon and Vale are far different from Vacuo, just remember that, Crimson."

"Yeah yeah, different Kingdom, different culture." Crimson waves off, still focused on his tie until he gives up. "Alright, screw it! I'll just let it dangle my shoulders! Nice and breezy that way!"

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