Huntsman Academy

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As the Bullheads land near the helipads, the potential students disembark and make their way towards the Academy building. Fenrir, carrying his stuff, steps off and noticed the blonde boy from earlier running past him and pukes his guts out the nearest trash can

"Yikes...that looks bad..." Fenrir cringes

Feeling a little considerate, Fenrir decides to approach the boy who continues barfing into the trash. Carefully, Fenrir places his hand on the blonde boy's shoulder for reassurance

"You alright there, friend?" Fenrir asks

"Ugh...yeah, I just need a minute *urp*" The boy says, nearly losing more chunks

After puking out whatever was left, the boy sits down against a wall next to the trash can, catching his breath

"You good for now?" Fenrir kneels next to the boy

"Oh yeah I'm fine...I just get a little motion sickness." The boy answers

"Oof...I know how that feels." Fenrir nods

"Uh, name's Jaune, Jaune Arc." Jaune gives a small wave

"Nice to meet ya, Jaune, I'm Fenrir Calavera." Fenrir stands up and offers Jaune a hand

Jaune takes Fenrir's hand and pulls himself back up with Fenrir's help.

"Thanks...a lotta people normally just walk by." Jaune nervously chuckles.

"Well, we're all gonna be Huntsmen one day, so I figured it was only right to at least help someone in need." Fenrir replies

"You got that right, thanks." Jaune smiles.

"No need to thank me...I'm gonna head to the Academy, wanna come along?" Fenrir asks

"You go ahead...I still need a minute" Jaune groans, holding his stomach

"Sure thing, see ya later." Fenrir waves goodbye


Meanwhile, outside the docking area, Ruby and Yang, alongside several other students, walk out of the ship and head down the paved path to the front of the school.

"Wow..." Was all the girls could say as they take in a closer view of Beacon

"The view from Vale's got nothing on this!" Yang says, folding her arms

Through sheer excitement, Ruby becomes a 2 dimensional chibi floating in the air

"Ohmygosh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff!" Ruby gasps at seeing another student pass by. "And she's got a fire sword!

Ruby tries getting closer, but Yang pulls her sister by the hood back into realistic proportions. Making Ruby exclaim in pained protests.

"Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons!" Yang says

"'Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool!" Ruby mumbles happily

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?"

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose!" Ruby says, hugging her scythe. "I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better..."

With a sigh, Yang playfully pulls Ruby's hood over her face

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?"

"But... why would I need friends if I have you?" Ruby asks, taking off her hood

"Well...actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. 'Kay, see ya, bye!" Yang rapidly says now dashing away with her friends

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