Without hesitation

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Rinas heart was burning, and she could only think about the strange woman she saw, when the book cut her fingers.

It was the middle of the night, of course, she couldnt sleep. Next day, her mother will arrieve, and it made her really upset and scared. She didnt know what to expect from her, but she felt like the next day is going to be a heard day, and she wasnt ready for something wrong again. She cried into her pillow for a while, than, when the Sun started to rise up, she fall into a short sleep with a dream that made her even more scared.

- Rina was sitting on a bed and the woman, she has seen earlyer was watching her. 'Listen to me, Rina!' She said, just like the first time. 'Do it, please!' She pointed at a sharp knife that was on the floor. ' I dont want to, who are you?' Asked Rina and she felt hot tears on her face. ' You are the only one who can find me, and thats the only way. Dont be scared, Rina! I can help you, I can take your pain away from you!' The woman touched Rinas hand, and she realised that the womans wrists were bleeding. ' Oh my God, you are bleeding, let me help you!' Rina said and she wanted to cover her cuts, but the woman grabbed her hands and held them strongly. ' Everything can be better now, just do, what i ask! You know you want it, You know its what you have to do! Please, come home!' Tears dropped down on her face. ' Time has come, Rina!'-

Rina opened her eyes and she was breathing heavily, becouse of this dream. She could feel the womans sadness again, as if it was her own pain, but it was somehow different. Rinas pain was burning, deepbut the womans was calm, scilente, and passionable, but really destroying.

'Whats wrong, Rina?' Asked Yuki, but Rina couldnt look at her. 'Nothing, it was just a nightmare.' ' I am sorry, for your mother. I really didnt want this. Can i help you somehow?' Rina shook her head. ' No, its just my problem, but thank you!'

Yuki, Zero and Rina were standing at the front gate of the school, waiting for Rinas mother, Kirana. Rina was playing with her fingers, to calm down, but it wasnt enough. As she recognised Kiranas car coming closer to them, her stomach started to sink. The silver car stopped in front of them, and she stepped out. Kirana was a tall, thin and beutiful woman, with long, blond hair. She wore a short, blue dress with high-heals, of course. Her hat covered her head and the Sun was sparkling on her sunglasses. ' Rina, good to see you again!' She said and turned to Zero and Yuki, while she took off her glasses with a star- like movement. ' Hey, mum!' Said Rina, but Kirana wasnt paying any attention to her, she offered her hand to the two other students. They accept it, and watched the woman who was nothing like Rina. ' I am Kirana, this problems mother. ' she said and pointed at Rina. ' Thanks, mum.' ' I am Yuki and he is Zero!' Said Yuki a little uneasily. Kirana was examining tham for a while, she was watching Yukis small face, Zeros black tattoos and something coughed her eyes. She realised the way that Rina was looking at the boy, and it brought a devilish smile onto her lips. ' All right, i should talk to the headmaster. I hope he had a good reason to want me here!' She smiled to Rina, who just nooded, than Kirana spoke up again, with a lot more colder voice. ' After it, i have to talk to you, Rina!' ' All right.' That was her only answer. ' See you later.' She went to find Cross, while the three kids were watching after her. ' It wasnt that wrong!' said Yuki, and she forced out a laugh. ' The worst part is just coming, you dont know her!' ' She wont be angry, will she?' Asked Yuki again, but Rina didnt know. She felt something wrong.

She was waiting in front of Cross's office for Kirana, but it was a long talk. A too long talk, as she felt. She didnt want to talk to her mother, but at the same time, she wanted to get through this.

When the door finally opened, Kirana's face hit Rinas eyes. She looked down to her without any love, Rina could only see anger in her eyes, and it scared her. Cross smiled to her, trying to give her some power, but he couldnt. ' We could discuss everything with your mother, Rina. Everything is all right!' he said and shook hands with Kirana. ' ' Its always nice to talk to you, Kain!' ' See you later!' Cross closed the door, and Kiranas smile instantly faded away. Rina stood up from the ground and watched Kirana.

' We have to talk about something, lets go for a walk!' She said coldly. As they walked out of the building, Rinas heart went faster. ' You know why Cross wanted me here, dont you?' asked her without emotion. ' I know, my exem results werent so good. ' Kirana shook her head. ' Its not just that.' ' I know, i wasnt paying attention to the teacher. ' Kirana laughed. ' Rina, i dont really care about it. Its not my business, as i see. ' Rina was confused. ' Than i dont know what you are talking about.' ' You are in love with that guy, Zero. Am i right?' Rinas heart nearly stopped, and her mouth became dry as a desert as she heard this words from her mother. ' What? What are you talking about?' She asked with a shaking voice. ' I could see this in your eyes, as you were watching him. It was easy to realise.' They stopped and Kirana smiled into Rinas pale face. ' And he doesnt care about you, as i see. He loves Yuki.' Rinas eyes watered. Even if she has already known it, it was heard to hear. ' What do you want with this?' ' Nothing, really. Your love affeirs are not my business.' ' But you want something, you wouldnt say that without a reason.' Rina tryed to stay calm. ' I just want the best for you, Rina. Give up on him, before its too late, he doesnt love you, thats obvious.' Rina didnt know what to do, laugh, or cry. ' And that is the best for me? Thank you, but i dont need your advice.' ' You need it, and you will take it, i promise!' Kirana said sharply. ' Why? Why should i do what you say?' She asked, slowly loosing the control. ' Rina, as i told you before, i dont care about your love affeirs, but, i do care about your grades and your exams. So, if you dont stop destroying yourshelf with Zero, i will take you home and you will never see him and the Cross Academy again.' Rina became angry and sad at the same time and her eyes watered slowly. ' Why do you want to hurt me every time you can, if you dont even care about me? Let me live my life, leave me alone and go home!' ' Its my money that you are wasting here, not yours, dont forget it, little girl! And with this, i just try to protect you! You will never understand it, but thats the truth, Rina. I will take you out of this school, if i have to. Without hesitation. ' Rina turned around and left her, while hot tears started to escaped her eyes. It was scary to imagine that Kirana could destroy her whole life with only one word. It was scary to imagine her life without Zero, without seeing his face, his eyes. She could never fix hershelf.

They were standing at the front gate again, but Rinas face was not the same. Her eyes were red, her face white, and she was just watching the grey ground. Zero and Yuki was beside her, as her mother stepped close to her, as if nothing had happened before. ' It was good to know you guys, hope to see you again!' kirana said to the other two. Yuki just smiled, Zero was emotionless, as always. Kirana hugged Rina, who didnt move. ' Remeber this, Rina! ' She said onto her ears, but she wasnt whispering, so everybody could hear her cold and devilish voice. ' Without hesitation.' Kirana let go of her and get on her car.

When she drove away, Rina turned around to cry somewhere alone, but Yuki grabbed her hands worryedly. ' Rina, what was that? ' Rina shook off her hand. ' What? Thats what you did, Yuki. Be proud of yourshelf!' She said, with all the hate and pain she felt before.

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