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Rina was too excited to sleep, but she didnt want to talk to Yuki about her plan, until she speaks to Shizuka. Soon after the Sun rose up, she left her room and walked out to the gate. Ichiru was not there, so she stopped and looked around the beautiful place. The morning was colm and cool, the air was fresh just like after rain. She breathed in deeply and hugged hershelf, because it was still cold outside. Unexpectedly, two warm arms wrapped around her.

'Its the coldest hour, you know. When the Sun rise up.' said Ichiru, not letting go of the girl.

'You scared me.' she said and pushed away the boy.

'I am sorry, can we go?' he asked.

'Yes, of course.'  he covered her eyes.

'Why did you want to go that early?'

'Because i am too excited to wait.'

'So i was right, you are up to something.' she laughed.

'Yes, but its a secret now.'


'If i tell you my plan, maybe you dont take me to Shizuka!' she said.

'We can still turn back!' he said.

'I will kill you if you do! I promise! she laughed.

'I know that you are not kidding!' he said and they continued walking. When they stopped they were in front of the old building again.

'I hope that she ia awake!' she said and Ichiru laughed.

'Purebloods doesnt need sleep, Rina!' he said.

'Really? I didnt know that.' they walked inside, to the same room as the first time, and Shizuka was sitting there, calmly.

'My lady!' said Ichiru.

'Good morning!' said Rina.' I am sorry to disturb you in this early hour.'

'Sit down Rina, I am happy to see you!' she said.

'Thank you!' Rina sat down.

'How are you? Are you better?' asked Shizuka.

'Yes, much better, thank you. The worl is different without Toras ghost.'

'I think so. What brought you here?' she asked and Rina swallowed.

'I would like to ask your help.'

'My help? What do you need?' she asked.

'I dont need anything. I just want to help someone.'

'Someone like Zero?' Shizuka smiled and Rina blushed.

'Yes. I love him.'

'I know, Rina.'

'I know that its a huge favour, and i dont have the right to ask you to help me, but you are the only one, who can save him!' she said.

'So you want me to give him my blood, to save him from becoming a level E. Am i right?'

'I ask you to help me keep my promise. I promised him that i will find a way to help him.' Shizuka was thinking for a while, while Rinas heart was beating in her throat.

'I dont want you to break your promise!' said Shizuka finally. 'I ve already regretted turning him into a vampire. His parents sin was not his fault.' Rina smiled.

'Does it mean that....'

'Rina, think about it, before you do something.'


'I understand that you love him. But do you love him more than your own life?' this question was simple, just like the unswer.

'Yes, why?'

'Because the price of his life, is yours.' Rina was shocked.


'Of course, its not because of me. I would happyly give him my blood and save your life, but it would be against the balance.'

'Against the balance?' she asked.

'One of you have to die, thats your destiny. If you stay alieve, he will die and vica versa. Do you still want me to give him my blood?' Shizuka asked and Rinas eyes watered, but she nooded.

'Yes, i want him to stay alieve.' Shizuka nooded and grabbed a little glass fiol. She cut her wrist with her neil and filled the fiol with her blood.

'Take it!' she said, giving it to Rina. She grabbed the warm bottle and pressed it.

'Thank you! For everything!' she said and Shizuka grabbed her hand.

'Rina, you can still change your mind! You saw the dream, if you stay alieve, you can have a family, a doughter. Do you really want to throw it away because of someone who have never loved you?' Rina nooded.

'But i love him too much. Too much to let him die while i can save him.' Shizuka touched her face.

'You deserve a better life! Better, and longer!' Rina smiled. ' Tora won.' Rina shook her head.

'No, she failed. I am not giving up without a reason. I give up my life to save someone.'

'Its true. ' she nooded and her eyes watered. 'I wish i could help yopu!'

'You helped me more than anyone else!'

'So' she smiled. ' Both of us could keep our promises.' Rina nooded and smiled to her.

'I have to go.' Rina said.

'You have one day left. Settle your things, if you have unspoken words, dont waste your time!' Shizuka said. ' You are going to die, when the Sun rise up again. ' it hit Rina. One day, just one day.

'Thank you, Shizuka!' she said and walked out of the room. Shizuka let out some tears.

'Take her back to the Academy, and come here. We are leaving.' she said to the broken Ichiru.

'As you wish!' he said and walked after Rina.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now