Facing lies and truth

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As Rina opened her eyes, she could see the bright morning light through the windows, and she felt two arm around her. She couldnt help, but smile. It was the best morning of her whole life, because she woke up in Zeros arms. She didnt want to get up, she just enjoyed the warmness around her, and Zeros soothing breathing. ' I wish i could wake up like this every morning!' She tought and closed her eyes back, when something popped up in her mind. 'Kirana! She is coming now!' She tought and took a deep breath sadly. Carefully, not to wake him up, Rina unwrapped his arms and got out of bad, but before she left, she looked down to the still sleeping, beautiful boy. 'Why should i leave you, when all i want is to stay here?' she whispered. 'Becouse you arew nothing to him. You dont mean anything.' said the voice of Tora. 'Shut up, you wanted to kill me, i am not going to listen to you anymore!' 'You cant shut me out! Remember this!'

Still wearing only her nightgown, Rina left Zeros room. Day Class students were on the corridor, wearing their uniforms, and as Rina stepped out, all eyes turned to her withdesbelief. She didnt even realize how misunderstandable this can be. A girl leaving a boys room only wearing a nightgown. She blushed and as fast as she could, she went back to her room. Thanks God, Yuki was already gone, so she didnt have to explain where she had been at night.

When she was about to get dressed, her mobile started to ring. It was Kirana.

'Yes?' Rina picked up emotionlessly.

'Rina, i am here!'

'Cool. We need to talk!'

'Rina, remember what i told you! If you did something again, I will take you home!' Kiranas angry voice rang into her ear.

'You can take me home! After you tell me who you are!'

'What are you talking about?' she asked, irritated.

'I know that you are not my mother. Than i would be glad to know who you are!' with this, she hung up and throw away the phone. ' Hell yeah! One of my mother hate me, the other wants to kill me.'

She left her room and went to the main building to meet her so called mother. All the girls were watching her with a courious look on their faces. They wanted to know what happened between her and Zero. As she reached the school ground, Yuki was running towards her and stopped in front of her.

'Rina! Your mother is here!'

'I know, thanks!'

'She is with the headmaster. Can i ask something?'

'Yes?' Rina asked.

'A girl told me that you came out of Zeros room today.' Rina went red.

'Yes, its tru. But its not what its look like.' she protested.

'Of, i know, dont worry. But what were you doing there?'

'Its...uhh...a long story. I couldnt sleep and we met in the kitchen. We were talking in his room for a while, thats all.' she forced out a smile.

'I understand. I should go to class now. Godd luck with your mother!'


Yuki left and Rina went to sit down next to the steirs of the main building. Why cant i tell her the truth? I could tell nearly everything to Zero, but i cant tell this to Yuki. Why? She tought and burryed her face into her palms.

'Did you have a good night?' she looked up to see who was talking to her, and rage burned up inside her as she saw Kaname.

'What are you talking about?' she asked as she stood up. Kaname reached out and touched her neck, where Zeros fangs pierced her skin.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now