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Rina opened her eyes, and she found hershelf in her bad. Rage started to burn up inside her chest, as she remembered that Kaname didnt help her. ' Why cant he just tell me the truth? It would be so easy!' She tought and turned around, just to find Yuki watching her.

'Whats wrong Yuki?' She asked, and Yuki closed her eyes.

' Its nothing, but, what do you feel for Kaname?' She couldnt help, but started to laugh at her. This question was so funny, idiot, but part of her liked that Yuki was scared. It was a kind of revange, after Yuki made her suffer that much. ' I dont know Yuki, i dont know yet.' She lied. She felt guilty, but satisfied at the same time. When she saw the pain in Yukis eyes, it was soothing for her. You take my love, and i take yours. ' I understand, its just...i didnt think that you like him.' ' I didnt think too, but he is so nice to me. Feelings are changing, you know.' Rina smiled, while Yuki went white. Yuki could only see that Kaname was really nice to Rina, she didnt know why, and it scared her. ' Lets sleep now, Kaname helped me to fall asleep, it helps a lot. ' ' Yeah, i see, good night!' ' Have a nice dream!' Said Rina and turned away from her. I am so wrong, its not her fault that Zero doesnt love me. ' Yes, it hers.' Said the woman, after Rina fall asleep. ' No, its not. I cant treat her like this!' ' Why not?' ' Becouse i am better than that!' The woman smiled. ' You are?' ' Yes, but what do you want with this?'

' Nothing, but why dont you play with her a little? It would make you feel better, and if zero sees that you love Kaname, maybe he will realize you.' ' It wouldnt work, Zero only loves Yuki, i know it. He loves Yuki as much as i love him.' ' Than none of you will be happy. ' Rinas heart filled with sedness. She loved Zero more than her own life and more than everything in the world. ' How will you live without him?' Rina looked at her sad eyes. ' I dont know. i dont want to think about this!' ' But sooner, he is going to be a level E, and the vampire hunter association is going to get rid of him. Do you really want to see this? You said to him that he was not a beast, but he will be one. Are you ready for this?' ' I dont know, why do you ask this?' The woman touched her face gently. ' Becouse i want to help you. I dont want you to suffer when the time comes. Seeing his die would break your little heart.' ' My heart is already broken. ' ' i know, thats why i said this. Grab every chanse of happyness until you can, all right? Play with Yuki, play with Kaname, if you need to. Dont feel simpathy anymore!'

Rina opened her eyes, and she could still her the womans last words. Maybe, she was right. But its not me. I dont want her to suffer becouse i cant be happy. It wouldnt be fair. ' Nothing is fair, Rina!' How can you talk to me? i tought it works just when i am sleeping or when i cut myshelf.  Nobody answered.

She stood up and get dressed. There wasnt any school today, so she decided to call her mother. I have to find out the tuth, and if its the only way, i will do it! She tought and left her room to call Kirana. She had to wait for a while, than a tired woman voice reached her ear.

' Yes?'

' Mum, its me, Rina.' there was a long scilence in the other end of the line. She was surprised to hear her doughters voice.

' Good morning, whats up? Why did you call me?'

' Are you busy today?' Ria asked bravely.

' No?' It was a question, not a statement.

' Can we meet somewhere? I would like to ask something from you. And it would be good to talk a little.' Kirana was in scilence for a while.

' Of course, when and where?'

' We could eat together, Susheki's restaurant? At 12 , if its good for you.'

' All right, see you there, bye' Said Kirana, as she forced out a happy voice.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now