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Zero could hardly control his bloodthirst as he was carrying the bleeding girl in his arms. He wanted to feel her blood on his mouth, he wanted to feel the sweet taste of it, and he was disgusted becouse of this. He wanted to be something more, not just a beast in human form, like other vampires. He could only hate himshelf for being this monster.

As he opened the door of Rinas room, he found Yuki still awake.

'Oh my God, what happened to her?' she asked, covering her mouth as Zero put down Rina.

'Hanabusa attacked her and she lost a lot of blood, but i think she is all right.' Zero said and Yuki took a breath of relief.

'I shouldnt have stayed here!'

'You were ill, its not your fault. How are you anyways?'

'Oh, i am much better!' she smiled, but Zero could see it was forced.

'Than why are you still awake?'

'I was waiting for her to come back. I wanted to talk to her about something.'

'About Kuran Kaname?' Yuki shook her head.

'No, its something else. Kaname explained me everything about their relationship, so io am not worryed about it anymore. And i feel a little stupid about it.' Zero didnt know what to say.

'I am happy that you two are still friends.' Yuki looked up to him with a worryed look on her face.

'I am not sure about it yet. But i can understand her now, or maybe i can.'

'Maybe, i have to go now, there is too much blood here!' he left and Yuki kept watching the sleeping girl. Her best friend. Why couldnt you be honest?

When Rina opened her eyes, the Sun was sparkling on the blue sky. As she turned around, she could feel the pain on her neck and she met Yukis gaze. Her eyes were sad, but curious and worryed at the same time. 

'Are you better?' asked Yuki as Rina was sitting up.

'Yes, it hurts a little but i am fine. How do you know what happened?'

'I was awake when Zero brought you back.'

'Oh.' she was watching her hand, not knowing what else to do.

'Why?' Yuki asked simply.

'Because i was scared.' she answered without thinking about the question. She exectly knew that they were talking about Zero.

'Scared of what?' Yuki asked.

'I...dont know. I was scared to talk about it.'

'But i am, or was your best friend, Rina! You could talk about it even with Lord Kaname, but you couldnt with me? Why couldnt you trust me?'

'Becouse he loves you!' Rina said, with tears in her eyes. She didnt want to hurt Yuki, but she had to clear things out finally.

'What?' Yuki asked with her mouth open.

'Dont peretend the blind, please!' she said, clear rage in her voice. Yuki realized that she was right, and looked down to the floor.

'I know that you are right. Thats why you are so cold with me lately?' she asked and Rina turned around.

'See, i know its not your fault, and i dont want to blame you!'

'But you do, dont you?'

'I dont want it! I dont want to hate you becouse of this. I want to forget it and forgive you but...'

'You cant.' Yuki said, finishing the scentence.

'Could you forgive me for loving Kaname? Or could you forgive if Kaname would love me, even if its not my fault, or even if i dont love him?' Yukis eyes watered and shook her head.

The day of broken windows. ( Vampire knight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now