Bloody Rose

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When Rina opened her weak eyes, she could still feel the horryble pain in her chest, and on her face. She looked up to the white ceiling, and tryed to force hershelf to sit up. Finally, after long minutes, she managed to stand up, but he couldnt streighten hershelf. She walked to the bathroom, where Yuki wa brushing her teeth.

'How are you?' she asked.

'Fine.' she said, looking into the mirror. Her face was red and purple, where Hanabusas hand reached it. 'Oh God!' she said.

'Rina, you cant let it anymore! He could have killed you!' Rina nooded, knowing that she is right.

'I know, Yuki. But i cant tell the truth to Zero. Its not a solution. And please, dont tell him what happened!' Yuki nooded.

'All right, i wont. But you need to stop him, before its too late.' she said, worryedly.

'Yes, and i will. I think i am not going to lessons today. ' she said, feeling that she could heardly breath.

'I understand, stay here and try to sleep.'

'Yes, i will do it. Tell everyone that i am a little ill.' Rina said.

'All right!'

Yuki went to school, so Rina stayed alone and tryed to think about a plan. She really had to do something, Hanabusa went too far with hitting and kicking her. But what? That was the question. How to stop him without telling Zero the truth.

She was thinking about it for a while, but there were only one way to solve this. Hanabusa had to die. The next question was, how to kill him. He was a strong vampire, so she needed a hunter weapon. 

When she tought about it, Zeros picture popped up in her mind, with the bloody rose. Thats it! I have to ask him to give me his gun! She tought, but realized that it wont be so easy. Zero will ask questions.

When Yuki arrieved, Rina sat up in her bad.

'Hey, where is Zero now?' Rina asked.

'In his room, i think. Why?' she asked, surprised.

'I have a plan, to stop Hanabusa.' Yuki smiled.

'Really, what?'

'I will kill him.' Rina said, and Yukis smile faded.

'What? Rina, he is a vampire!'

'Thats why i have to talk to Zero. I need his Bloody Rose!' Rina said and Yuki covered her mouth.

'Its not a good idea, Rina!'

'Better than letting him use me!' Rina said, and Yuki nooded.

'Thats true, but still. If you kill him, you have to face the whole night class!'

'I know, but they wont risk the peace of the academy. Kaname wont let them, or i will tell everything to the headmaster.' Rina said.

'Ok, good luck. But i dont think that Zero will give you his gun!'

'He gave me once, i will try.' she said and left her room and Yuki. She was a little scared of his reaction, but she needed him. She took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

'Come in, Rina!' he shouted, not surprising her, that he knew who she was. She opened the door, and stepped in.

'Hey, Zero!' she said, and turned to the boy, who started to examine her face.

'What the hell happened to your face? Who did it to you?' he asked and stood up angryly.

'Can i sit down?' Rina asked, holding her side. She was not enough strong to stand.

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