The threat

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Hey everybody, its not going to be a long chapter, because i dont have too much time to write! I hope you enjoyed my last chapter! Bye!

Rina woke up to the sound of the birds and she felt the warm sunrise on her skin. She was on Zeros chest, who was breathing soothingly, still sleeping. They spent the whole night outside, under the sky, just the two of them. Rina was calm, calmer than ever before. She still felt that she was, where she had to be. She carefully unwrapped Zeros arms, and pushed hershelf up from him, and knelt down next to the sleeping boy. The weak, morning Sun was sparkling on his silver hair, making him look like an angel, his face was perfect like the marble. Rina covered him with his jacket, that was on her all night and touched his face carefully.

'I love you so much!' she whispered, not to wake him up, and stood up from the ground. She grabbed her shoes and started to walk away, when she nearly bumped into the headmaster. She screamed up a little, and it woke up Zero, but he kept his eyes closed, when he heared that it was Cross. He didnt want to talk to him.

'Headmaster!' said Rina. 'You scared me!'

'I am sorry, i didnt want to!'

'No problem!'

'Where were you all night?' asked Cross and Rina blushed.

'I was...uhh...' Cross ' eyes found Zero, who was Sleeping on the ground.

'Oh, all right, i understand!' he said.

'No, its not what you think...' Rina protested and went deep red.

'No problem, Rina, i understand!' he said again.

'No, its really not that!' Cross touched her neck.

'Rina, i understand!' he said, seriously. 'I see that you truly care about Zero!' Rina nooded.

'Yes, i do. He is my friend.'

'It must have bee realy hard when you had to shoot him down!' Rinas stomach sunk from this memory.

'Yes, it was not easy. But i had to.'

'I know, and i am proud of you!' Rina looked into Cross eyes, surprised. Even Zero was surprised to hear this.

'Really?' Rina asked.

'Yes. Everybody tought that what you did was horryble, but they cant imagine how  hard decision you had to make. It surprised me a little, but i am proud of you. You are stronger than anybody think.'

', headmaster!'

'I know its not easy to believe me now, but Kirana, Kaname and i just try to help you! We want you to stay alieve, we are not your enemys.'

'Than why did you act like one?' she asked.

'Because we were desperet. We didnt know if its good for you to know the truth about your family or not. You were enough stressed because know what.' he pointed to Zero.

'What? You know that i...?'

'Yes, Kaname told me, dont be mad at him!' Rina took a deep breath.

'All right, but i have enough of him!' Cross laughed up.

'Sometimes i have too.' he said. ' But talking seriously. I hope you know what you are doing, when you give your blood to Zero! Its another place for Tora to attack you!' Rina smiled.

'No, its not. Believe me, its not.' she said, thinking about how she felt with him. It was good, not depressed or anything.

'I am glad than, but take care of yourshelf! You need to know, where to stop!' he said and walked away towards the main building, and Rina headed back to her dorm. She was tyred, emotionally and her back hurt as hell from sleeping on the ground all night. But it worse it.

As she was walking slowly, her high heels on his hands, she could see someone in white uniform leaning against the wall of the Sun dorm. For a moment, she tought it was Kaname, and she was ready to get revange on him for his behaviour, when she realized it was not him, but Hanabusa. As she reached him, he looked up to her and grabbed her arm.

'What do you want?' she asked angrily, as she remembered how he attacked her.

'You look beautiful, Rina! I wanted to dance with you last night, but you disappeared. Than i sensed your blood. Its still delicious!' Rina pulled back her arm disgusted.

'Leave me alone, you are disgusting!'

'Zero didnt say the same to you? He is silly than!' Rina felt the urge to punch him, but she fought it back, and wanted to leave, but Hanabusa stopped her again.

'Let go of me!' she said and the boy laughed.

'What if i wont? Are you going to run to Lord Kaname again?' he asked angrily.

'Really, what was your punishment, anyways?' she asked and Hanabusa let go of her.

'Did you think that i will forgive you for this? Did you think that i wont get revange on you? You are not as claver as i thought!' he laughed.

'What do you want?' she asked.

'Oh, nothing at all. I just want your blood!' Rina laughed up.

'Never, idiot!'

'Are you sure?' he asked, and Rina started to worry, because Hanabusa was too self-confident.

'Yes, i am.' the boy nooded.

'All right, no problem. Where is Zero? ' Rinas heart started to beat faster.

'What do you want from him?' 

'When i drank your blood, i felt interesting things, you know. I felt that you are in love with him. Maybe, i will go and tell him!' he started to walk away and Rina grabbed his hand. She couldnt let him destroy everything.

'Stop!' she shouted.

'What do you offer for me, if i keep my mouth closed?' Rina was breathing havily, knowing she had no chanse. 'So?'

'All right!' She said.

'All right? What does it mean?'

'You exectly know what!' she said.

'Yes, i will drink your blood, whenever i want, and your sicret will be in safe!' he said and offered his hand to Rina, who just hugged hershelf.

'You are a fucking beast!' she said.

'Oh Rina! Secrets are dangerous, you have to learn it!' with this he turned around to leave, but turned back one more time. ' Lets meet tonight in front of the gate of the Moon dorm. At 10, dont be late!'

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