How to forgive you!!!

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Rina walked back to the academy happily. She felt satisfied after all, but at the same time, it was frustrating that she felt that something was wrong. As she passed the front gate, she could see Kaname coming closer to her, in his white uniform.

' Did you have a good time with your mother?' He asked nicely and Rina smiled.

'Uhmm...yeah, i can say.'

' I am happy, i tought you dont have a good relationship with her.'

'And you are right.' Kaname was a little confused, but of course, he stayed calm. Rina felt the urge to tell him everything she found out. ' I know she lied to me.'


'I know she lied when she said that my sister died when i was 2. She died when i was 12. And i know that something happened to my memories.' Kaname looked at her smiling face. ' And i will find out who did it and why.'

' Good luck, Rina!'

With this, he walked away. Why cant you forget about it and be who you are? He asked himshelf and a single tear almost dropped down on his face. How could i stop you?

Kaname, i dont know why you try to, but you cant stop me! She tought with a smile, and decided to go back to her room to relax a little, but as she was walking, Zero appeared in front of her from the nothing.

' I see you are back.' He said coldly, but even if he was like this with her, Rina was happy to see him.

'Yes, i just arrieved. Why?'

' Cross sent me to learn with you when you are here.'

'Oh..' She almost forgot about her 'extra lessons' with Zero. She remembered the last lesson and a strange feeling reached her. She didnt want to feel that again, she didnt want to be so broken and helpless again, and Zero realized this on her face.

'What happened last time, wont happen again.' he said.

'I know, would you mind if we do it later?'

'No, i dont care.' With this he left. I dont care. Rina heard his words again. You dont care about me. The only one you love is Yuki.

She changed her mind. unable to go back to her room, where Yuki was most likely still sleeping. Get rid of her! A voice said in her head and it scared her. No, i cant. Zero loves her!

' Are you talking to yourshelf?' Asked a voice and Rina nearly jumped out of her skin. Kaname was standing there, smiling.

'NO, i dont.'

'Dont you want to go for a walk?' he asked. For a moment, Rina wanted to say no, Play with Kaname! she repeated the womans words.

' It would be great.' She said and they started to walk to the forest. Some day class girls were ovr there, and their jaw dropped when they see them, walking together.

' You are in love with Zero, am i right?' Rina stopped and her heart nearly broke out of her chest.

'What?' she asked weakly.

'You dont need to worry, i wont say anything to him or to Yuki.'

'Than what do you want with this? You are like Kirana, you dont say anything without a reason.' Kaname laughed.

'Thats tru. I want to help you get him.' Her heart went faster.

'Why and how?' They reached a blanket, that was on the ground and some fruit.

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