How clone troopers sort things out...

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Bly pov:

"You have all been brought here, IN THE MIDDLE OF CURFEW, on charges of harmful and derogatory words directed at a fellow brother. Lucky, Inc, please step out of line." I said, raising my voice over the assembly area. The two clones troopers walked to the front of the assembly area, Inc's Heavy Trooper armour clanking as he halted in front of me.

"What do you think you're here for?" Rex growled at Lucky and Inc,

Lucky raised a hand, "Trooper of the war award?" he asked mischief written all over his face,

"NO!" I barked and Lucky's indifferent demeanor vanished into thin air.

"You are both here to apologize to all of your brothers for what you have said!" I saw the look on Lucky's face and immediately felt a sense of authority. That's right, I'M the Commander, not you! 

"I apologize for what I have said."

"I also apologize for what I have said."

"And as a final consequence, Lucky, you are assigned to clean-up duty for TWO months!" Aayla spoke from behind me and I jumped, had she been there the entire time? 

Lucky groaned and sat down holding his head,

"Seriously, what is with you clones and headaches?" Ahsoka asked behind me,

Aayla turned around, "Maybe there's a reason. We'll have to put them in a bacta tank for a month." she turned to look mischievously at me.

I narrowed my eyes and turned away thinking of a comeback. I heard a thud and a gasp from the clones around me and I turned around to see Lucky spread out on the floor, Inc standing over him.

"Everyone except Inc is dismissed." I yelled across  the assembly,

(0300 hours Galactic Standard Time)

Rex pov:

I stood around the holo-table as Bly and Aayla, guarding Inc, came to stand around the table.

I frowned, where was Ahsoka, as if answer to my question Bly spoke up,

"Ahsoka's outside drilling the men."

I nodded and turned my attention to Inc,

"What do you think a suitable punishment would be?" I asked Bly.

"I haven't ever done this before, but Inc is going to be transferred to another Battalion, maybe stationed on Kamino." Bly said looking around the room to gauge the expressions on each of their faces,

"Maybe I can help." Ahsoka walked into the room carrying a crate of supplies.

"And how can you help Inc?" Bly asked,

"HEY! I'm right here you know!" Inc spoke up for the first time since he was under arrest.

"Anger issue management, If I'm correct, Inc is a long term offender, is that right?"

"Yes, it's happened before. I just don't see how you could possible change him." Aayla spoke up narrowing her forehead at Inc as she spoke, lekku tossed over her shoulder. 

I looked at Inc, proud yet defiant as to the fate that befell him.

Bly looked hesitantly at the holo-table and activated it, sending a signal to Admiral Yularen.

"Permission to transfer Inc to Clone Force 99?" 

"Granted." The admiral smiled slightly and gave a small nod and cut the transmission.

"What's Clone Force 99?" 

"A specialty squad for clones with specific strengths or desirable qualities." Bly answered slowly.

Inc pov: 

"I can't just leave the 327th!" I spoke up in horror,

"It has already been decided, you're being transferred to Clone Force 99." Bly answered.

8 Standard hours later...

I stood on the landing platform waiting for Hunter, Tech and Crosshair, who would be my new squadmates. In frustration at it all, I gave a roundhouse kick to a nearby supply crate, denting it and causing another to spill it's contents. I continued until nearly all the supply crates had been destroyed. It felt so good just destroying things. Suddenly an omicron-class attack shuttle raced up the landing strip, knocking over crates and scattering ground crew every which direction, shouting and cursing at it.

A trooper wearing modified armour stepped out of the shuttle and almost immediately saw me and the pile of broken supply crates.

"I'm Hunter, and this is Tech and Crosshair." Two more clones stepped out of the shuttle and assessed the damage.

"I'm-" I faltered, I wasn't Inc anymore, I was a destroyer, A nuisance, a pest. I remembered Commander Bly's words, clones with desirable qualities, what did that mean?

"I'm Wrecker." I answered slowly and pounded my fists together to emphasize the point.


Brain: Actually managed to pull off that cliffhanger...

Me: For once I actually agree with Brain. Truce?

Brain: Truce.

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