Chapter 2: A little bit of trolling, CRDL beatdown on the side.

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Y/n pov:

After that little scuffle with Blondie mc Brainless, I had to be put in the infirmary with a broken arm and a few cracked ribs. Honestly, I should work on my dodging skills more, so I can annoy her and NOT get my rear end booted halfway across the cosmos. Speaking of which, look who's just showed up.

Mustard Head: Hey, midget.

Y/n: *rolls eyes with MAXIMUM disdain*

Bootleg Bumblebee (the Transformer): Listen, I'm only saying this 'cuz Ruby got angry at me. I'm sorry for beating you up the other day.

Honestly, I really DO appreciate that she's at least trying to make amends but... I can't let myself risk betraying them... Not again...

Y/n: *raises good arm in a fist-bump* Yeah, I'm the one who should be apologizing for being a grouch. We cool?

God dammit...

Yang: *fist-bump* Sure, we're cool. Just don't do that again, alright?

Y/n: *pulls this face*

Y/n: *pulls this face*

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Y/n: No promises. hehehe...

Yang: *deadpans* I hate you.

Y/n: Well, you've already dis'ARMED' me, so no need to go out on a 'LIMB' about your problems. Unless of course, you need a 'HAND' *points at broken arm*

I see her begin to smile, though, she's fighting against it. And losing. eventually, she bursts out laughing and hunches over, slamming her head against my infirmary bed.

Yang: ow...

Ah, the sweet sound of revenge. Never gets old! 10/10, would recommend to people of all ages. Just as I start celebrating, the door opens to reveal her friends and some old guy with a cane.

???: So, you must be this 'Y/n' that miss Belladonna told me about. My name is Professor Ozpin. Headmaster of Beacon Academy.

Y/n: Okay, what has any of what you just said got to do with me?

Ozpin: It's quite simple. I was wondering if you could join my academy, at least until you can find a way home.

Well, it's either join Beacon and mess with Yang every chance I get, or stick as a hobo and just BARELY get by. Honestly, I prefer option A.

Y/n: You know what, sure. Where do I sign up?

Ozpin: Oh, that won't be necessary. You just need to prove your strength in combat. See, there's this team of bullies that's been giving Beacon a bad reputation as of late and I was wondering if you would like to prove yourself by fighting them?

Y/n: Okay, hold on. If Blake told you about me, then you know I lost most of my magic. What use is a single Magic Orb gonna do against a team of blockheads?

If I just had ONE Super Ability, I could wipe the floor with them. Easy peasy!

Ozpin: We have magic in this world as well. Perhaps all you need is a simple jump-start. Tell me, do you know what "Aura" is?

Y/n: Blake already told me. It's a manifestation of a person's soul that can act as a healing factor, strength booster and barrier. The colour of a person's Aura differs between said person.

Blake: That's right. If you want, I could activate yours. Maybe, you can get some of your abilities back?

Y/n: You know what? Sure, what do I got to lose?

Blake then puts her hand on my chest and chants some weird paragraph that makes no sense. I feel...


 Oh crud-

Blake Pov:

I feel myself almost going unconscious, activating his aura must've pushed my body to it's limit. A star-shaped portal appears below me and I fall into it before landing on a nearby chair.

Blake: What... just... happened?

Y/n: So, of all my abilities I could get, I get Dimensional Vanish. Well, at least I can prank people more now. Didn't know it could be used on other people.

Dimensional Vanish? Is that what he calls that portal?

Y/n: Wait, it's not usually purple... I have a theory, but it an only be tested in battle.

Ozpin: And what would that theory be?

Y/n pov:

If Blake's semblance affected my Dimensional Vanish, does that mean...

Y/n: Bring on the bozos. I have some ass to kick.

Ozpin: with all due respect, your arm and ribs still aren't healed.

Y/n: Dammit...

<Timeskip to Combat Class>

Huh, what's with all the girls giving me weird looks? This isn't even my formal atire! Anywho, Professor Goodwitch was kind enough to show me the way to the combat classroom. Time to dice up a carrot head.

Cardin: Hope you're ready to fall, freak!

Y/n: Psh, buddy. If you want a freak, look in the mirror. Hell, I bet your mother wanted a refund as soon as she gave birth to you.

I summon a massive Ultra Sword that threatens to cleave the ceiling. And wouldn't you know it...

It looks EXACTLY like Blake's sword

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It looks EXACTLY like Blake's sword. What did she call it? "Gambol Shroud", I think. Good to see my theory was correct.

Y/n: Goodbye, Cardin and co. It hasn't been a pleasure.

I swing the Titan Shroud (my name for this behemoth) in a horizontal line and completely annihilate the whole team's Aura. Like I said, wipe the floor with them.

Professor Goodwitch: Y/n wins!!!

Y/n: If you want to keep your lower halves, I suggest you stop bullying people. Especially Faunus. People like you are the reason the White Fang changed in the first place.

The crowd goes silent, some bowing their heads. Perhaps, they know I'm right. I de-summon the Titan Shroud before turning to Goodwitch. Time to get some food. I haven't ate since I got here!

Y/n: Which way's the cafeteria? I could really go for a mac'n cheese after that beat down.

A/n: I think we know where this is going. Anyways, that's Chapter 2 completed! Now with the obligatory "Kick Cardin's behind" scene. See you around!

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