Chapter 6: A ROGE's gallery.

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Y/n pov:

Blake: So THAT'S how you got here. Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Y/n: Okay, if I told you when we first met that I was a former megalomaniac trying to gain ultimate power over the universe, would you still want to be friends with me? I didn't think so.

Ruby managed to convince me to tell the others. For better, or for worse. Honestly, they took the whole "me betraying all of my former friends" thing a ton lighter than I thought they would.

Weiss: And you're worried someone else will get their hands on this "Master Crown"?

Y/n: Yep, though I'm afraid it might be a tiny bit too late for that.

Blake: Hang on, I read about something like this in an old mythology book. It was a prophecy that spoke of a "Tree Crown without a Ruler" And a "Rogue wizard from another plane". What it was about exactly, I can't translate. Weird, right?

Tree Crown without a Ruler... The Master Crown... Rogue Wizard... Did someone know this would happen? If so, who?

Yang: Damn. And I thought my mother leaving when I was just a kid was rough. But being possessed by an eldritch horror crown? I actually feel genuinely bad for you for once.

Y/n: Eh, could be worse. Important thing is my plot armor saved me. And Kirby. Anyways, I'm going shopping in Vale. Want anything?

Weiss: No, I'm fine.

Ruby: I'm good, thanks.

Blake: Can you pick me up a book from the library? I would do it myself, but we've got an assignment due in three days and I don't want to risk failing.

Y/n: Okay. Yang?

Yang: Nah. How 'bout I come with? After all you've been through, you could use the company, shortstack.

Y/n: Be my guest, Sunshine. Just try to keep your head out the clouds.

Third person pov:

So, the two leave. There's a moment of silence before Weiss speaks up.

Weiss: twenty Lien he annoys Yang into leaving him in Vale.

Blake: Forty Lien says Yang annoys him into leaving her in vale

Blake: Forty Lien says Yang annoys him into leaving her in vale

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Weiss *deadpan*: You and Y/n are perfect for each other.

Blake *smirking*: And you know it.


Blake: Tom? As in Tom and Jerry? Really? That's rich coming from the cookie addict, little red riding hood cosplaying wannabe grim reaper with a weapon fetish and a semblance that's just begging SEGA to Copyright your very existence. If Y/n has half a brain, which he clearly does, he'll pick me over you. So why don't you just go back to playing with your toys, child?

Best friends forever? Yeah, heard that one before... (Magolor! reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now