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The loudness of the music was pulsing in Phoebe's head as she danced with whoever was behind her now. She was three drinks in, and usually one more and she would be done so she made her way over to the table.

"Shit, does anyone know where I can get some water?" She asked, running her hand through her hair. She could feel it sticking to her neck and she suddenly became aware of how hot she was and she was silently thanking herself for choosing the short blue and white checkered dress.

"Is the room temperature mid tasting beer not cutting it for you anymore?" A voice said and she turned to see Chad approach her.

"No, the room is starting to spin a little." She said.

"Sure it isn't a tornado Dorothy?" He asked with a smile.

"I think there is water in the kitchen." He said.

"Thank you." She replied.

"Hey, is he having fun?" She asked, motioning towards the boy in the cardboard box costume.

"For the most part, you know how he is." He said.

"Yeah." She said before turning to head into the kitchen.

She made her way towards the fridge and found a bottle of water on one of the shelves, she took it out, cracked the lid and started chugging it, a drop of water rolling down her chin.

"Thirsty?" A voice asked, breaking her from her focus on the water.

"Something like that." She said, putting the cap back on, she looked at the boy who was in a football jersey.

"I'm Marshall." He said.

"Hi Marshall." She said, leaning against the counter.

"You come with someone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I came with my friends." She replied.

"I like your costume." He said.

"Thanks." She said as he stepped a little closer.

"I don't blame you, the beer is disgusting. It always is." He said.

"Can I get your name?" He asked.

"Dorothy." She replied and he let out a soft laugh.

"Message received." He said.

Phoebe realized she had turned the boy off, giving him a signal that she wasn't interested. But she had also realized she hadn't had any fun recently and that's something she was in desperate need of.

"Phoebe, my name is Phoebe." She spoke.

"Well Phoebe, you look incredibly pretty tonight." He said, and a blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Thank you Marshall." She said with a smile and he stepped a little closer, boxing her into the counter.

He was a very attractive guy, she was tipsy and everything and everyone around them was buzzing. What was a bit of harmless flirting and making out? She leaned into him, capturing his lips with hers and he leaned into her pushing her body back into the counter. His hand ran up her thigh and she suddenly felt conscious of the scars that littered her body. His hand ran over the one on the side of her thigh, but he didn't really notice.

As they continued, his hand ran up the back of her dress and came across the bigger one on her back and he pulled back when she sharply inhaled a little.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just maybe keep your hands on fabric only yeah?" She said.

"What's it from?" He asked.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now