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"So, you and Ethan?" Chad asked Phoebe as they walked down the street.

"What?" She asked.

"You know, I totally notice him blushing everytime you're around." He said with a grin.

"Shut up." Phoebe said with a roll of her eyes and a smile before Chad turned around to go and walk with said boy. Phoebe winced as she continued to walk, the pain shooting through her side.

"Should you even be up and moving?" Sam asked.

"No, but Gale said she had something so." Phoebe said as they met up with Gale in an Alleyway.

"This isn't sketchy, like at all." Mindy commented.

"What did you find?" Sam asked Gale.

"Jason and Greg were apparently renting this place out under fake names." She said as they followed her.

"How did you find it?" Kirby asked.

"It's called investigative journalism for a reason." Gale said as she slid her card through the reader on the building and the door clicked open. They all walked up a set of stairs and into the large room.

"What is this place?" Sam asked as Gale flipped on the light switch.

"It's a movie theater." Tara said.

"It's not just a theater, it's a shrine." Gale said as the screen moved up revealing the various ghostface costumes lined up and the other things spread out throughout the room.

"It's like the whole fucking franchise." Mindy said, looking at the stuff in the glass.

"Chad! This was uncle Randy's, they've got everything." Mindy said.

"You all have been through so much." Detective Bailey said.

Phoebe came across a glass box with a knife, along with a picture of her mother and brother and her mom's police badge.

"How did they get this stuff?" She asked, angry at the thought of them having a part of her family locked up to admire.

"Well, cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily." Gale said.

"Present company excluded." She added, glancing over at the detective.

"Why am I here exactly? My alibi checks out." Ethan asked.

"So I can keep an eye on you roomie." Chad said, placing his hands on Ethan's shoulders.

"The killer must have found this place before he murdered Jason and Greg and then took the masks from the statues. All nine from Stu and Billy to Amber and Richie." Kirby said.

"So someone killed these fuckers and then what, took over?" Chad asked.

"Someone who believes Sam is the one who masterminded what happened in Woodsboro." Detective Bailey said.

"If this were a normal stab movie, this would be the killer's layer." Mindy stated.

"Which means this isn't a normal stab movie." Kirby said, then Tara turned around and walked out of the room for some reason, Chad following after her.

Phoebe walked over to the other glass case which held Dewey's shrine.

"You know, your mom was a royal pain in my ass." Gale said as she came up behind her.

"Slander about my dead mom really isn't what I want to hear right now Gale." She said.

"I didn't mean it like that Phoebe. Your mom had a mission to find the killer, in fact she took a bullet for Sidney you know." She said.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now