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Phoebe tried to steer clear of her friends after Tara found out about Ethan being back, but more importantly being in her house. It had been a few weeks, and it had been radio silence and Phoebe had assumed everyone knew, clearly since no one had bothered to speak to her. She went to the grocery store to pick up a few things that she was in need of, with Ethan coming over so often she realized she was running out of things more quickly.

"You've got to be kidding me." Someone said from behind her as she looked at the fruit.

She turned to see who made the comment as she came face to face with Mindy, Chad, Tara, and Sam. Phoebe couldn't help but huff at the sight of her friends.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Mindy asked.

"He's not my boyfriend." Phoebe said with a slight roll of her eyes.

"Yeah okay." She said. Phoebe felt hurt at the thought of her friends being mad at her, she felt alone at the slight thought of never being able to be the same again.

"Look I gotta get going." Phoebe said as she placed a container of strawberries into the basket on her arms.

"Phoebe, are you seriously okay with this?" Chad asked.

"Okay with what? The fact that my friends ghosted me these past few weeks. With not so much as a word. If you did I would have gotten the chance to explain, but I've realized that maybe I don't owe you all an explanation so yeah Chad. I am okay with this because it's what you all did." She said before walking off.

"Is she serious?" Mindy asked, before going after her.

"Mindy stop!" Chad said.

As Phoebe was finishing checking out Mindy came up to her, the rest of them following.

"Jesus Christ." Phoebe muttered as she grabbed her bags and left.

"Phoebe stop." Mindy said.

"Mindy what do you want from me?" Phoebe said, stopping on the sidewalk.

"Your explanation. You said you never got the chance to explain, so explain." Mindy said.

"You guys just don't get it do you?" She said.

"Understand what?" Sam asked.

"How lucky you are." She added, but none of them said anything.

"Everyday, you guys wake up do what you want have a good day and then at the end of it you get to go home to each other and tell eachother about it. And every day I wake up and envy you for it." She said.

"Phoebe what are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"It's funny, have you ever realized how all of us were pairs? Siblings? You and Tara, Mindy and Chad, and Me and Wes." She said with a smile.

"Except here we are, you and Tara, Mindy and Chad, and me. No Wes. I didn't get to keep my other half, and all you ever do is make it obvious. I know it isn't on purpose, but you do okay. And I'm sorry if I managed to find some fucked up way of coping with the loss by reaching out to the guy who tried to kill us because he lost his brother. I know its really messed up and things are weird but no one else was talking to me about it." Phoebe snapped.

"Why didn't you come to us?" Sam asked.

"I tried to mention how I was feeling multiple times, but I wasn't gonna have a breakdown in front of you being all torn up about it just for you to notice. You're my friends you were supposed ask me, check up on me. Not just wait for me to come to you once I'm falling apart." Phoebe snapped.

"Phoebe, you should have come to me." Chad said.

"I couldn't okay. I just didn't know how. But that doesn't matter now, i've gone and fucked everything up I-I can't fix any of it. I'm sorry." She said before turning and walking back towards her place.

Later that evening she sat on the couch watching tv, Ethan in the chair next to her.

"I think i'm gonna take off." He said, fiddling with his fingers.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I don't want to cause any more issues, I want you to fix things with Chad and your friends, I don't want you to be unhappy because of me." He said.

"Ethan that isn't-This is all my fault. I was the one who was distant from my friends, i'm the one who chose not to talk about my feelings. You just happen to be here amplifying the situation." She said.

"Phoebe, I don't know if we should be doing whatever this is." He said, motioning between the two of them.

"I don't know what you want from me Ethan. I'm not gonna beg you to stay okay, i'm so fucked up in every department that I don't know how i'm going to get back to where I was." She said.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. For now, I feel like I should just give you the space you need." He said.

"Just, call me later." He added before leaving the girls apartment.

Phoebe sat there for a while contemplating her next move, but finally she picked up her phone and dialed the number, once he picked up she spoke.

"Hey, can I come over?" She said.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora