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"She's dead." Ethan said, regrouping back with his father and sister.

"Good. That little whore deserved more than you probably gave her. All of this would have been easier if you had just kept it in your pants." Quinn said.

"Shut up Quinn. Jesus." He said with a roll of his eyes.

"Focus." Detective Bailey snapped at the two teens.

"I want the other two dead." He added.

"Go, now." He snapped and Ethan and Quinn went their separate ways.

Kirby, who was trying to adjust to her surroundings seethed at the pain shooting through her abdomen from the bullet. She managed to crawl away from the spot she was in and spotted Phoebe on the ground.

"Phoebe!" She whispered, but no luck.

"Phoebe, get up." She said again, meanwhile Phoebe could hear her heartbeat in her ears.

She felt so tired, like she could sleep for days, her limbs felt weak and she felt cold but sweaty. Her hands felt sticky and slick with sweat, but once she opened her eyes she registered that it was in fact not sweat that she felt, but rather it was blood. Everything flooded back and hit her at once. She groaned at the pain that was in her stomach and she tried to lift her body up. She managed to make it onto her hands and knees, but a wave of nausea washed over her.

Before she could lift herself up again, a foot collided with her side and she rolled onto her back, looking up she saw someone in a ghostface outfit, they tilted their head. They then grabbed onto a chunk of her hair and began dragging her into the middle of the room.

"Let go of me!" Phoebe shouted as she dug her nails into their hand.

"Let go of her!" Kirby shouted as she managed to lift herself up to lean on the glass case.

The person let go of Phoebe and she hit the ground slightly with a thud, they took their mask off. Quinn.

"Please. Like you could do anything." She said before reaching down and grabbing Phoebe again and dragging her a little further, but then she let go of her head and it slammed into the ground again.

Quinn got down on the ground, straddling Phoebe and she picked the knife up and began dragging it down her body.

"You know what my favorite part about killing you will be?" She asked with a smile.

"Seeing how it won't even matter to my stupid fucking brother, because all you were was a quick fuck." She said.

"You're gonna die screaming, just like your fucking mother." She said.

Phoebe lifted her thigh and kneed her in the back causing Quinn to fall on top of her, Quinn rolled off quickly as Phoebe tried to get up but was quickly knocked down by Quinn's fist against her face.

"I am so sick of you, you fucking cunt. You just keep getting in my way and I just want you to die!" She said slamming the knife into Phoebe's arm, causing her to scream.

Phoebe reacted quickly, pulling the knife out and then plunging it into Quinn's side. Quinn fell onto her side next to Phoebe and Phoebe lifted herself up and swung her leg over Quinn's body, her arm limp from being wounded.

"Yeah, well I want you to die just like your fucking brother." Phoebe said before stabbing Quinn repeatedly in the chest over and over again.

Her arm ached from the force of the stabbing that she got tired, Quinn coughed up blood, it spattered onto Phoebe's face. Phoebe looked at her with a look of disgust before she leaned closer to her.

"I want you to know before I put this knife in your head, that after I fucked your brother, I practically had him on his knees begging me to forgive him for what he did. And I'm gonna do a lot worse to him after this." She said before shoving the knife into the girl's forehead.

"And fuck you." She seethed before lifting herself off the ground.

Once she was up on her feet she glanced over at Ethan who was standing there, jaw clenched looking at what had just unfolded.

"What the fuck did you do?" He asked, tears lining his eyes.

"I just killed your fucking sister. After she stabbed me multiple times. I'm not in the mood to put up a fight so either just let me go or fucking kill me. I got what I wanted." She said, pointing the blade in her hand at the girl on the floor.

"You make things so complicated." He said.

"Yeah, well I actually just made things a lot less complicated by taking this psycho bitch out of the equation." She said.

"She was my sister!" He snapped.

"Yeah well she tried to fucking kill me!" Phoebe screamed angrily.

"And I swear to god Ethan if you don't let me go I'm going to shove this knife so far up your ass you're gonna be coughing up metal." She snapped.

"He is going to kill Tara and Sam." He said.

"Leave Ethan, just leave. Go." She said, he glanced at the door.

"If you leave you won't have to get hurt." She said.

"Go and I'll take care of it okay. But I am going to make sure that your dad fucking dies." She said.

"Fuck." Ethan said, closing his eyes tightly.

"You're gonna bleed out." He said, looking back up at the girl who was currently holding her wound, the blood was soaking through her beige sweater.

"Yeah, probably." She said before stumbling back a little.

"Phoebe please." He said.

"Ethan. Just go." She said before she heard Sam and Tara's shouts, she whipped back to look at where they came from but when she turned back around to look at Ethan, he was gone.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now