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Phoebe: Hey, are you at the dorm right now?

Chad: No, in class, won't be back until 2. Why?

Phoebe: Damn okay, meet up later got some things I wanna talk about.

Chad: Sure Phebes, you all good?

Phoebe: Yep, text me when you leave. Be safe.

Chad: Will do. L you Phebes.

Phoebe: L you too.

Phoebe knocked on the door and Ethan answered.

"What the hell do you want? Chad isn't here." He grumbled.

"I'm not here for Chad." She said, charging into the room past him.

"Then what do you want Phoebe?" He asked, closing the door.

"I want some answers Ethan." She said.

"Were you going to kill me?" She asked.

"What?" He asked, an annoying expression decorating his face.

"After you fucked me were you going to kill me." She asked and he clenched his jaw.

"No, I did not plan to kill you after we slept together." He said.

"But one of you were going to sometime after right?" She asked.

"Phoebe, why are you here. Really, cause this doesn't seem like an effective conversation." He asked.

"Well this doesn't seem like a very effective situation Ethan." She clapped back.

"Chad is gonna be back from class soon, you should be gone when he gets here." He said.

"He won't be back for another 20 minutes. I checked." She said.

"So you had a reason to come here? Asking him when he'll be back indicates this was decided in advance." He said.

"Yes I know! I want answers Ethan. O-Or at least for us to have a conversation about what happened!" She exclaimed.

"You know, you should be glad I didn't go to the police and tell them how fucking insane you and your family are." She snapped.

"Fuck Phoebe. I am so lost on why you're here right now. Like you know you aren't going to get what you came for." He said, putting both of his hands behind his head.

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"Are you going to kill all of us?" She added.

"Not all of you. Not now." He said.

"What. Because I found out your secret you aren't going to kill me?" She asked.

"No, I'm not going to kill you because I actually like you!" He snapped.

"And I don't think you deserve it." He added.

"Did any of us deserve it?" She asked.

"I don't know okay. It wasn't even my idea." He said.

"I told you my fucking dad is the one who is behind this whole thing." He said.

"Ethan." She said with a sigh and closed eyes.

"What?" He asked, and she then pulled out her phone which had been recording and showed it to him.

"If you try anything, and I mean anything at all. I'll take this to the cops and expose you and your family. And if I find out that anyone got as much as a scratch I'll turn it in." She said before heading to the door.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now