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"I'm sorry to hear about your friends." Melody, Phoebe's roommate said as Phoebe picked up the laundry from the floor and put it in the basket. 

"Yeah, shit really sucks." She said as she picked up the bottle of detergent.

"Question though. Do you think it has something to do with what happened before?" She asked. 

"I think it has everything to do with it." Phoebe said as she opened the door.

"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna throw these clothes in." She added as she left the room. 

She threw her clothes in the washer and started it, then headed back to her room. Once she got back, when she went to open the door, she noticed it was barely closed and she could hear lovefool by The Cardigans playing loudly from inside.

"Melody?" Phoebe asked as she opened the door. 

What she saw a second later made her drop the bottle of detergent on the ground, as it collided the side of it busted open and it went everywhere, it spilled across the floor and eventually reached the pool of blood surrounding the butchered girl on the floor.

Next thing she knew, a hand wrapped around her mouth and a knife plunged into her side. She screamed into the gloved hand as the knife twisted into her and he threw her into the room on the floor. 

She landed in the puddle of blood and detergent, her side now drenched in her own blood. He walked over and loomed over her as she lay on the ground, she kicked her foot into his knee and he buckled over. She stood up and went for the door until a hand latched around her ankle and she plummeted to the floor, the side of her head cracking on the linoleum. 

"Fuck." She grumbled as she felt the pain pulse through her head.

She was brought back into the moment as he pulled her leg and she came closer to him. She tried to push away but he swung at her with the knife. She picked her foot up and slammed it into his face, as he flung back she got up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. 

She thought herself stupid. There were no windows, no doors but the one. As he banged on the door, she got into the shower and grabbed a bottle of soap. The door finally gave in as he entered, he immediately swung at the shower curtain and she came out and wacked him in the head with it, giving her a chance to run for the door and exit the room all together. 

She started running down the hall, a few helps being shouted. But she was stopped by the sudden view of another ghostface in front of her, she looked back and saw the one behind her getting closer. She turned back to look at the one in front of her, he tilted his head to the side and wagged his knife in the air. 

She began backing up quickly and the one behind her dove for her but she managed to slip away before he could grab her and she ran quickly down the hall with the two of them chasing her, one finally reached her and covered her mouth with their hand as they plunged the knife into her stomach and pulled it out only to plunge it in again. She shouted into the hand but her screams were muffled as they continued to sink the blade into her stomach.

She dropped to the ground, facing the ceiling, her eyes wide she stopped breathing. Held it, showed no emotion as they traced the blade down her cheek. Nothing, she remained frozen and the masked figure took another moment before getting up and the two of them left. 

She lay on the floor until she felt the buzz of her phone in her pocket. She answered it.

"Hey listen, wanna go grab a bite? Ethan's here so I was thinking the three of us could go grab a bite. I was thinking-Phoebe?" Chad said.

"Call 911. I think I'm bleeding a lot." She said as she winced at the sharp pain that radiated through her side and she lay there listening to the faded sound of the music playing from her room.

Did I Make You Scream ღ Ethan LandryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt