Mystery Girl

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Authors Note: HI EVERYBODY!!!! This is my first story and I really wanted to post it on Wattpad. I hope you all like it. If you do please leave me comments or vote PLEASE


Giselle xoxo


Delilah POV

I walked into class hoping today would hold more luck for me then the day before. Hopefully today he would notice me. I scan the room for him. As I slowly sit down in my seat I catch a glimpse of him and see that he is looking at me and I quickly look away and put my head down. I feel my cheeks turning bright red from the thought of him looking at me. I try hiding myself from people like him the jocks, the cheerleaders, THE POPULARS.

As soon as I sit down Emma realizes that something is wrong. Emma is my best friend. We've been friends since we were divas in diapers. She is the only one that understands me and knows that me and these plastic fakes don't get along. " Delilah " I hear her confused voice coming from the seat next to me. "Yes?" my voice sounds muffled from having my head down. I hope she didn't realize that I glimpsed at Derek ... again. Derek is the team quarter back, he is dating the head cheerleader and is considered "the king" of West Side Senior High. All the girls want him and all the guys wanna be him. I think I'm another species of female because he is not my type. Oh god I'm such a liar! He is super hot!! But that's it he has nothing else besides his dashing good looks, even though I've never had a single conversation with him through all my high school years ,but my judgement has never steered me wrong.

" Were you looking at him ... Again?" Emma accuses me of something that is obviously true but I refuse to admit it to her. " Noooo" I say without bothering to raise my head and meet her intense stare. " Are you sure?" I didn't even have to look at her to know she had a smirk on her face and a raised eyebrow. Mayday I've been caught. There has been a major disturbance in the force. She noticed, she noticed I'm screwed. Play it cool you got this come on its Emma you could foul her- oh who am I kidding. "Yesss" my voice sounds uncertain and embarrassed, Crap. "Are you ever planning to talk to him?" Emma's question made me raise my head in concern. I touched her forehead checking for fever. " Are you on some sort of medication because its making you say all sort of crazy things" she laughed, but this is no laughing matter if she is on something she should drop it. " Why not he is just another kid" and again Emma comes out with another abnormal comment what's next is she gonna tell me to ride a unicorn with her down to bikini bottom to meet sponge bob and Patrick. That would be epic but you know ,abnormal comment. " Me talk to the king/quarterback of the school and what do you suppose we talk about there probably isn't a thought in that brain of his if there even is a brain" that's all I had to say and then she turns into Dr.Phil. Well how do you know that? Don't judge a book by its cover ? Blah blah blah she acts like my mom sometimes and in 5-4-3-2-1. " Well how do you know if you've never talked to him? You can't judge a book by its cover Delilah!" What did I say it's the same lecture every time we have this conversation. Emma and I might be best friends but our personalities are different; she is the lovable , girly-girl, therapist, adorable one and I'm the sarcastic, crazy, funny one. We are totally different but we've learned to deal with each other - sorta. " I know I know I can't judge him but look at him he probably doesn't have a thought running through his mind as we speak" I tell her and she looks over my shoulder I'm scared to turn around as just the thought of looking at him makes my cheeks threaten to flush once more. I fought off the urge to turn around and Emma didn't say anything. Seconds after, I heard the announcement over the PA system. " The Halloween dance is next Saturday. It's a costume party so go shop for that perfect outfit before time runs out." That's right next Saturday is Halloween. Oh god Halloween, Halloween is the one day a year hoes can dress , well like hoes without being called hoes. I refuse to participate. "Im not going" I state without thinking twice before making that comment. " Oh yes you are and since when do you say no to a party?" Emma knows I love parties but these Halloween parties aren't my scene. " There is no way on the face of planet Earth I'm going to that dance" this time a little bit more serious. Emma put this smirk on her face. That smirk scares me. What

the future holds for me is not gonna be pretty.


Derek's POV

FINALLY LAST BLOCK! Just two more hours till I can get out of here! I'm sitting in my seat surrounded by the rest of my "entourage". Ive realized while I'm here, I'm never alone. At school there is always a group with me, but come on I'm the quarter back who wouldn't want to be with me? Except her. I've always had at least one class with her since 9th grade and not once has she spoken to me. As she walks into class I look at her, but she doesn't seem to care. I guess it bothers me because she is the only person that is practically oblivious to my existence. I can feel Shane staring at me.

"How's Amber?" he says trying to snap me back to reality. I had suddenly completely forgotten he was there. Amber is my girlfriend. She is the head cheerleader for our school's squad " The Jaguars". Above it all, she is dating the schools quarter back, me, which puts her at the top of this schools food chain. I shake my head trying to escape this trance my own thoughts have put me under. He had a confused look printed on his face. Shane was about to say something but the afternoon announcements saved my life. "The Halloween dance is next Saturday. It's a costume party so go shop for that perfect outfit before time runs out." A costume party, oh God Amber is gonna go ballistic. I hope she doesn't do the same thing she did last year, oh lord that was traumatizing. I was dressed like a plug and she was an outlet. What she might do this year is unpredictable. Speaking of the devil, oops, did I say devil I meant girlfriend. I got a text it's probably her.

From: Amber <3

Babe did you hear the announcement!! OMG aren't you excited for our costumes too?!?!

I honestly did not have the least bit of excitement in me to see what she was going to make me wear this year, but if I told her that I had no interest, I would never hear the end of it . So instead I simply answer "Totally".




Thanks love

Giselle xoxo

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