Chapter 14

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Riley's POV

"Oh really, I have to accomadate you?" I laughed. This girl is really something.

"Yeah, duh so I'm going to make a couple requests ok. First can you please paint this room its really ugly. Second if I'm going to be staying in this prison cell the food BETTER be good."

Is she serious? She hasn't even fought to get out of this place neither has she acknowledged that she has been kidnappend, yet she is making requests.

"Anything else your highness?"

"Well, now that you mention it, this chair is terribly uncomfortable." I couldn't help, but chuckle.

I pulled up a chair and sat infront of her. I took out my phone and began to scroll thru my Instagram. "Hey! Hey you!"

I looked up at Ms. Emma Mason.


"Aren't you planning on doing anything?"


"Can you at least untie me?!"

Ugh! I lazily got up out of my chair ans used my pocket knife to cut her free.

"Thannkk yoouu. Thats wayyyyy better."

With that being done I sat back in my chair and continued to scroll through my newsfeed. "So, what's your name strangers?"

"How is that of any importance?"

"Hey," she put her hands up defensively. "Don't get all defensive, but if I'm gonna be stuck here I wanna know who I'm gonna be stuck with"

"Well, its Riley."

"Hi, Riley"

"Hi, Emma" I laughed.

"Wait, you know my name?"

"Yes I do"


"Of no importance to you"

"Oh thats right, YOU KIDNAPPED ME!!" We both fell silent.

"Can I at least have my phone?" She seemed extremely bored and she wouldn't shut up. I would give her her phone if only it would get her to shut up, but that would be a major issue.


"Why not?" she whined.

"Because that would be a major problem"

"Please, I won't call anyone I will be a good girl"


"Please I just need to send a message to one guy and you can watch me send it and eveything"

"No Emma"

"Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please"

"Ok just shut up!"

"Yay! Thanks!"


Emma's POV

"Yay! Thanks!" Finally, I get to message Zorro.

Riley left the room to go get my phone. It felt like he was taking forever!

After an eternity and a day Riley finally returned with my phone. I've never been so happy to see that device. Ever.

He was just about to hand me my phone when he pulled back his hand.

"Not so fast," he said. "I have to watch you sent the message remember"

"Yeah yeah yeah I know. Give. Me. The. Phone."

"Alright. Alright. Here" and finally my phone was in my possesion. I quickly unlocked my phone and saw Zorro's message. I feel so bad for not answering. I quickly opened the message.

From: Zorro

Hello gorgeous ;) how was your day?

Oh god he is so cute. I wish I knew who he was in real life. I've been praying and wishing to meet him. Who knows if that would ever become a reality.

To: Zorro

Hey baby :* I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner I've been a little . . . trapped.

"Ok look this is what I said." I read Riley the message and clicked send. He then confiscated my phone again promising to return it when I got a response. But, only a few moments afterI hit send Riley's phone vibrated. He reached for his phone, fishing it out of his pocket then unlocking it to read his message. Riley's eyes looked shocked as he looked at me and then his phone.

"What are you looking at?"

"Kik message from: RagDoll

Hey baby :* I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner I've been a little . . . trapped." He read to me the message he had just recieved.

My jaw dropped to the ground.

No. Way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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