Chapter 7

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A/N: VAS HAPPENIN EVERYBODY? Sorry I didn't update sooner, but I had some writers block. I hope whoever is reading this is liking the story so far. This is only the beginning I promise it will get better. Enjoy

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"Attention ladies and gentlemen, please exit the building immediately before any of you get hurt." What's happening? Everyone redirected their attention to the principal giving him our undivided attention. "We have received multiple bomb threats" recognizing that no one moved from their current position the principal continued. Everyone in the room grew worried and terrified expressions. Leaving was the last thing I wanted to do, but staying here was no longer an option. "So before any serious damage happens, please exit the building in an orderly-." He was cut off by a random voice in the crowd screaming "RUNN". Chaos filled the room as the quiet crowd turned into a stampede

OH MY GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!! WHERE'S EMMA ?!?! I NEED TO FIND HER. I inspected the chaotic room, searching for my rag doll dressed best friend. Soon, I spotted a girl that could possibly be Emma and tried to run towards her. My attempt failed. Spider-Man's hand still gripped on to mine and would not let go. He brought me close to him whispering the words "Don't forget tonight" softly into my ear making sure I heard him. Spider-Man began to lean in closing the small space between us, placing his lips on my veil. This damn veil is getting in the way! I slowly pulled doen the veil, removing the barrier between our lips. A burning sensation moved thru every inch of my body, the source being at my lips.

After a seer moment of pure perfection I hesistantly pulled away and quickly raised my veil, not giving him the chance to discover my true identity. Without turning back to see him, I walked towards where I last saw Emma leaving him where we were in the crowd.

By the entrance of the building , only a few steps away from where we were standing at the beginning of the night I found her. Emma looked as pretty as when we first arrived at the party. Only difference was this time she was with someone. A boy; he didn't look familiar , but with that Zorro mask he was wearing no one was every going to know who he was. Emma and this Zorro kid were just there, snogging in the corner like it was all good. Because you know it's not like they are gonna bomb place. Wait, yes they are and I'm not gonna die because she is snogging. I tapped her on the shoulder trying to get her attentio, but she completely ignored me. Irritated, I tapped on her shoulder again. This time she reacted. Emma took one of the hands she had that was tangled somewhere in the guys hair and motioned me to wait. OH. NO. SHE. DIDNT. "EMMA!?!?" I yelled at her. She soon pulled away from the masked man that was keeping her all to himself. "Don't forget me" she told him sending a flirtatious wink his way. Emma knows how to wink? When did this happen? "That's impossible beautiful, be expecting my message" he looked at Emma with a huge smile. His smile was great.......but nothing like Spider-Man's.

"Hi" is all she told me. Did we just experience the same thing? I think we did. "Emma who is that?" She ignored my question and answered witha a question of her own. "What happened?" She had a confused look on her face as her eyes scanned the room. Crazed teens were fighting their way to get to the exits of the building. "Oh nothing really, they are gonna bomb this place" I put in a lot of effort to sound calm and relaxed like nothing was happening, the exact opposite of the anxiousness and terrified feelings I actually felt. "Oh cool..... WAIT WHAT?" When everything finally sunk in she realized what I had said. "Yeah no big deal" I was really working this whole being calm thing. "DELILAH HELLO? BOMB" Emma grabbed my shoulders attempting to shake me back to normal. Before long, she gave up and grabbed me by the wrist dragging me to the nearest exit.

Outside, the venue was surrounded by news center crews. It was hard to spot a car that didn't belong to Channel 7, Channel 10, or Univision. "Who's picking us up?" It took me sometime to remember the answer to Emma's question. "Liz" I finally amswered; Liz is my cousin, she is in her second year of college just like Leisly. Being the awesome cousin that I've forced her to become she offered to pick us up. I wonder if she is here yet. The dance wasn't supposed to be over for another 2 hours.

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