Chapter 9

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A/N: HEY GUYS! HOW'S EVERYONE DOING ON THIS FINE DAY? Well, I wasn't planning on updating today, but apparently I am.

So, enjoy loves!

Giselle Xx



"Mr. Derek Jeter and Ms. Delilah Jones, you are the lucky members of group one."

WHAT?!? DID I HEAR RIGHT?!? I can not do a project with that dumb -very good-looking- yet extremely retarded jock. This teacher has got to be kidding me.

Mr. Griffin continued calling out the names of my other classmates in their assigned groups, but I wasn't bothered enough to care. I was too occupied on my own problems to worry about anyone elses.

How could this teacher do this to me? Put me in a group with that guy. I can't work with him. There is no way! And if he thinks I'm going to do all the work while he sits there and does nothing he is seriously mistaken.

I have no idea how things worked worked in the previous groups he has worked in, but I think I can picture it. The poor girl that he was grouped with feeling extremely lucky to work with such a good looking guy. Being mesmorized by his beauty and his charm, she ends up doing all the work in exchange to watch him and bask in his glory, which to her seems like a pretty decent deal. In reality it isn't.

Either way things while he is working with me won't be like that.

His looks do not affect my judgement and thoughts.

Before the dance, before I met Spider-Man at a time when his looks affected me more I still wouldn't have done the entire project on my own. Now the chances of me doing everything are on the negative side.

Maybe I should just ask Mr. Griffin for another partner that might actually do something.

When the clock struck 2:20 and the bell rang I walked directly to Mr. Griffin's desk to try to get rid of my terrible partner. Emma gave me a confused look, realizing I wasn't following the usual end of the day routine. I just mouthed "wait for me at the door" and the confused expression disappeared. She gave me a thumbs up and walked towards the door.

I stood in fron of Mr. Griffin's desk all hyped up from the conversation I had with myself. My proffesor didn't even acknowledge my presence and kept his eyes on his computer screen. "Mr. Griffin?" My tone of voice ended up sounding more like a question than a statement. He everted his eyes from the screen and looked at me. "Yes, Ms. Jones, how may I be of assistance?" "Sir, I would like to change my partner." From the corner of my eye I could see Derek coming towards the desk. Hopefully he has the same amount of interest in being my partner as I do in being his. "And may I ask what is wrong with your current partner Ms. Jones?" I honestly don't have the best reason to want a new partner, but I want one. I don't want to work with Derek.

I shot a look at Derek trying to get him to join in to the conversation, but he just stood there and didn't say a word. Thanks for your cooperation Derek.

"Ms. Jones if you don't have a valid reason to why you need a new partner then I am very sorry, but you must stay with the one you have now." A frustrated groan escaped my mouth as I turned on my heels and walked to where Emma awaited me.

"What was that all about?" Emma still had no idea what I need to talk to Mr. Griffin about, but there was no point in telling her if I didn't end up getting the results I wanted. "Nothing, doesn't matter anyways."

Just when I thought my luck couldn't get any worse, it did just that. It got worse. Coming from behind me I could hear his voice. He was calling me and he continued to get closer. What does he want? We have nothing to discuss. "Delilah!" He steps got closer and closer until he stood only a few steps behind Emma and I. "Delilah can we talk for a second" Emma looked at me with a face that she knew I would be able to read perfectly. Her wanting me to have sympathy for this boy was not going to happen.

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