Chapter 4

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Saturday ... Day of the dance

Delilah's POV

This week has gone by really fast. Emma and I avoid the topic of our costumes at school. We don't want anyone to know we are going to the dance. And we especially don't want anyone to know what we are going to wear.

Finally, tonight is the dance. It's about time; I can finally get this out of the way. I'm hoping and praying that no one recognizes us. Especially, when we are gonna be busting a move. Woop! Woop! I'm still not excited.

Leisly has been a major help to us. She found the costumes for us to wear and she convinced her best friend Stephanie, who is a makeup artist to help us with our makeup for tonight. Above all this, she offered to drive so there wouldn't even be the chance someone recognized Emma's car. She is just so awesome. To show our gratitude, we decided to spend the day helping her at the thrift shop.

"You guys are gonna look aammaazziinngg!" Her emphasis on the word amazing really perfected the sentence. Is it possible for her to be more excited than us? It sure seems like it.


"LEISLY WHERE ARE OUR COSTUMES?!?!" I was flipping out. Where did she put them? If I didn't find them the world as we know it would no longer exist. Emma's rage would end us all. Good bye sweet world. Ok no chill "CHECK THE TWO PLASTIC BAGS IN THE STORAGE CLOSET!" She screamed from the door where she was locking up.

Its 7:30 the dance starts at 8:00. I'm guessing we are going to be fashionably late. Stephanie called a few minutes ago saying she was running a little late. She wanted for Emma and I to put our costumes on so she would know where to get her inspiration from. Emma and I had rushed home earlier to take a shower and we returned ASAP.

I ran frantically in to the storage closet, searching high and low for those bloody plastic bags! Emma was dying in the corner. That girl is useless under pressure. As soon as I asked her where the costumes were, she almost fainted at the thought of them being lost. "Costumes, Costumes, Aha there they are!" Thank Jesus.

When I handed Emma her costume she resumed to her normal self. This girl is so dramatic, but I have to love her. We both ran like Flash into the dressing rooms to change. You know Flash? Justice League? No? Ok I guess I'm alone on that then. It must have been a new record, because in a matter of seconds I had my gorgeous blue belly dance costume on and Emma was wearing her adorable rag doll dress. Her adorableness levels were too much for me to handle.

We strutted to the front door where Leisly and Stephanie were talking. "Hey STEPHANIE!" we screamed in unison. "Hey girlies ready to be beautified?" she asked and we walked toward the dressing rooms once again; this time for our makeup. Stephanie and Leisly followed. Stephanie was dragging what must have been her makeup.... I guess you can call it trunk. So yeah followed by her makeup trunk.

"Who wants to go first?" Emma excitedly volunteered. Emma and Stephanie entered the dressing room leaving Leisly and myself curiously waiting outside. After about 20 minutes Stephanie walked out. "Now presenting Rag Doll Emma" she said while pointing towards the dressing room door.

Oh snap, who is that?

"Emma?" It doesn't look like her at all. Stephanie did a great job covering any trace that would make anyone suspect that Emma was well... Emma. "How do I look?" She asked before looking in the mirror. If I thought my best friend was adorable before, now she is 100xs that.

Emma's face was covered in white colored powder. Her eyelids had light blue eye shadow evenly spreaded on them. The cherry red lip stick painted her lips. Her cheek bones had a light shade of red. She looked just like a little rag doll. Damn, Stephanie is gooooood!

Mystery GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang