Chapter 5

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Derek’s POV

I have to avoid everyone at this party. No one and I mean no one knows I’m going to be there. Except Shane, but he has promised to keep his distance so no one suspects anything. I hot to stay as far away from Amber as possible. I know I’ve said she was crazy before, but she is way crazier than I ever thought.

That crazy twat broke into my house while I was at Saturday practice today. Funny thing, she didn’t steal anything, she didn’t stay here till I got back, she just left me something. I know it was her; Amber didn’t exactly make it a mystery. She left the Hercules costume on top of my bed, with a note that said:

To: Derek

You better be wearing this at the party.

I will be looking for you. Don’t try to hide I will find you.

I honestly can’t stop laughing. This girl is plainly psychotic. The note sounds like it was written by a serial killed or a psychopath.

It’s 7:00. The party starts in an hour. I need to her there on time. I can’t afford drawing attention to myself even though I’m going to be in my disguise with my mask and all. I rather be wearing Spider-Man then Hercules anyday.

“WHERES DEREK?!?” I could hear her whiny, aggravating voice from the other side of the room. Looking for me. She is seriously starting to scare me. I think I’m going to stay on this side of the dance floor from now on. That ‘Greek goddess’ was gonna stay far from me.

While everyone is keeping her away from me, who am I going to talk to? I’m used to having a variety of people to keep me company. Yeah, they are all helping me out with that …. thing, but now I’m all alone. Ugh, this is gonna be a long night.

I walked my way to the snack table. I’m gonna need to eat something to get my groove on. Here’s a good question; why am I here in the first place? Amber wasn’t forcing me to come? No one knows it’s me, so why? Well I’m not going to leave me now. I didn’t waste the money on my ticket for nothing.

Slowly, I made my way thru the sea of people to the table that was piled high with all sorts of snacks. Everyone at this party was adorned with some pretty awesome costumes. People were dressed like superheroes, villains, animals, ancients gods and goddesses (thank God I’m not one of them) etc. Accessories of all sorts- masks, capes, swords, guns, veils, hats. The list is never ending. Either way, I am content with my costume. It does exactly what I need it to do. Hide me!

Very few people surrounded the snack table. Most people were dancing to the mainstream beat while others were sitting down on the chairs that were scattered around the room. My eyes scanned my surroundings for a familiar face. After a few minutes, I gave up and decided I needed food. There were cups filled with soda set on the table. I went for the first cup I saw that had coke. I guess I’m not the only one that prefers Coca-Cola. As I went to grab the cup a hand met mine. Apparently, we were both going for the same cup, I was scared out of my pants, I couldn’t look up. WHAT IF IT WAS AMBER???? OH SHIT IF IT’S AMBER I WAS GONNA DIE RIGHT HERE. JUST GONNA DROP DOWN AND DIE. BREATH. BREATH. “Sorry” the sweet voice sounded like an angel. An angel? For sure it’s not Amber. Thank Jesus. There is nothing angel about Amber, especially not her voice. I looked up slowly to meet the eys of the owner of the angelic voice. Her costume was beautiful it covered her from head to toe, except her eyes. They were a gorgeous honey brow that put me in a trance. Why would she cover herself so much? Most girls wear slutty outfits when it comes to costumes, I’m not complaining now. But it seems like the rule with girls and Halloween costumes are the sluttier the better. This girl didn’t need to show me more than her eyes to catch my attention. She must be hiding from someone too. Who? Why? All these questions ran thru my head and I wanted answers.


Delilah’s POV

“Emma I’m gonna get something to drink, want anything?” “Emma?” “EMMA?!” This girl is nowhere to be found. She probably snuck off with a guy somewhere. She left me all alone. Are you serious? I didn’t even want to come to this stupid dance, now to have to endure this torture alone. Oh well, what am I

Going to do about it now? I can’t just leave. I have no ride, and I did pay for my ticket. Might as well still get myself that soda.

It’s a long way from where I am to the snack table. I have to cut thru the populars- that are in their own little corner- and the dance floor. The main problem: cutting thru the populars. Those spoiled, worthless, snobs are gonna make it mission impossible to get passed them. I walked as quickly as possible trying to reach my destination. When I reached where the populars were all gathered, they gave me dirty looks, but moved either way. They were all dressed like Greek gods and goddesses. The guys were showing as much of their muscle as possible. These boys are so self-centered and don’t even get me started on these girls. They were dressed in their white Greek dresses, thinking they are princesses. My train of thought was interrupted by a irritating voice screaming. “Wheres Derek?!?” Derek? Derek wasn’t here? That doesn’t make sense. The star quarter back not here with his cheerleader? Oh God, I would have loved to see him in his Hercules costume. Damn, ok no snap out of it Delilah.

I finally reached the snack table. My eyes lit up at the sight of all the snacks and drinks. Some coke would be necessary if I was going to put up with the rest of this party. I don’t think it would be possible without it. I reached for a cup that was filled with Coke, but as I grasped the cup a hand from the opposite side of the table did the same.

Without a second to lose I released the cup leaving it in the hands of the other person. I looked at the person that stood on the other side of the table from me. This person was wearing a red and blue morph suit with a simple pattern of one huge spider web pattern it resembled …. Spider-Man? Spider-Man is one of my favorite heroes. The first being Superman.

He didn’t look up at me. Didn’t even bother making eye contact, he kept his head down staring at the cup of coke that was still on the table. To ease the tension I spoke up. “Sorry.” Spider-Man slowly looked up at me. His face was covered by a red mask that had a black spider web. His eyes were covered by white cloth. This mask topped off the entire Spider-Man look. The only thing I was able to see were his lips thanks to the fact that he had raised his mask to drink. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I knew they were staring at me. I felt his stare reaching my inner soul. I looked directly into where his eyes would be underneath the mask. We stayed there, like that for what felt like hours, even though it was only a few seconds. Normal me would have began to grow insecure that someone was just staring at her, but the me in this costume feels mysterious and beautiful and honestly didn’t mind because this total stranger wouldn’t be able to recognize her.

“I-it’s no problem” He finally answered. His husky deep voice filled my ears. I could have listened to him talk all day long. He reached down for the cup again and handed it to me with a dashing smile playing on his lips. His smile was just as perfect as his voice. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his pearly white teeth. As he handed me the cup our hands touched. A sensation of static filled my hand and electric bolts shot throughout my body. It was a feeling that I had never known before. I had never felt anything like it. Why was this happening? “Thank you” was all I could bring myself to say while this was all going on. I made my way to an empty seat by the snack table and began to drink my soda, trying to take my mind off of the strange feeling that filled me when Spider-Man touched me. Soon after, Spider-Man came and took the seat at my side. I tried to push the thought of what happened to the back of my mind but it wasn’t working out. Why did it happen? Did he feel it too? These questions all flooded my mind. “So do you think we are wearing too much clothes or what?” I couldn’t help but grin at the question he choose to start a conversation with. “No way, everyone else is just not wearing enough” He flashed a smile at me. Here come the weird sensations again, but this time it was different. My knees began to grow weak. What was happening to me? I THINK I NEED TO GO SEE A DOCTOR. THIS CAN’T BE NORMAL. “True” He answered. We were the two at the party with the most clothing. We were both completely covered. The conversation between Spider-Man and I only expanded from here. He was a very funny and interesting guy. His stories kept me wanting to know more. It didn’t feel like we had just met a few hours ago. It felt like I knew him longer. I guess this party is turning out to be not such a bad thing after all.

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