Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey everybody! Thanks to everyone that has read, commented, and/or voted on this story. It means a lot to me. I hope you areliking the story. More chapters to come from here.




-Giselle XoXo


Derek's POV

The night went by pretty quickly. She was so easy to talk to; I completely forgot I was in the same room as anyone else. One thing I couldn't forget was how I felt when I gave her the cup. Our hands touched and I felt.....static....electricity. This feeling isn't normal to me. I haven't felt that ever. I have held hands with Amber and other girls before her, I have come into contact with other people and no one caused the reaction that this Mystery Girl caused. I knew it wasn't just the little shocks that you get when people touch you after sliding against a carpet and stuff, this was different. Those small shocks last a milli-second; this lasted from the moment our hands came to contact and left the feeling of the shock lingering in my hand even after we pulled away. Did she feel it too? I wasn't about to ask her that question. What if she didn't feel it? I would sound like a complete idiot to her. No way I was gonna let that happen.

Even though the loud music continued to play it didn't interfere in our conversation at all. If anything, it made our conversation more interesting. I could tell she was getting comfortable around me. Every time a song that she knew the lyrics to came on she would burst out and sing a random part of it. She is really something. "Oh my God I love this song!" she randomly screamed. "Then let's dance" I told her and extended my hand to her. Without any hesitation she took it and we walked to the dance floor. We danced to the beat of Let's Go by Calvin Harris for barely a minute before they cut off the song. "Hey everybody we are gonna slow things down so fellas grab your girl and bring her close for this song." The DJ spoke thru the microphone. Llevame contigo by Romeo Santos (song on side) began to pour out of the speakers. Now is the time to use my dance skills. I want to dance. But I don't want to dance with just anyone. I want to dance with her. I saw her looking around at all the couples getting together for this song. Mystery Girl turned and started to walk back to the chairs where we were sitting before. I couldn't resist; I grabbed her wrist and she looked at me confused. I brought her close to me and leaned in to whisper to her. "Dance with me" even though I couldn't see her lips I knew she was smiling.

She didn't give me any sign that she was rejecting my offer. So I grabbed both her hands to bring her closer to me. Not willing to wait any longer, I put my hand on the small of her back and pulled her to me. She didn't even move; she seemed frozen. I wonder if she knew how to dance? Well I guess I'm about to find out. The beat started and I began to lead her body in sync with the song. She didn't really move much at first, she seemed like she was stuck or in shock. Either way I was holding her in my arms. Electric bolt began to shoot towards my spine while one of my arms was around her body and the other held her hand. I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling.

She soon broke from her frozen like state and moved to the beat. Mystery girl was light on her feet. Her hips swayed to the beat of the music like if the beat controlled her. She really knew how to move. Better than all the others I've danced with. While dancing with this girl I forgot everything. I forgot everyone. All I cared about was the beautiful girl in my arms. I kept our bodies as close together as possible. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She must have felt my gaze because she looked back at me. Even though, she couldn't see my eyes she looked directly into them. Those beautiful eyes of hers stared into mines. I never wanted to leave this dance floor.

A few moments later the song ended, but we stayed in the same position. I just continued to look at her, and take in all her beauty. Suddenly, that whiny, aggravating voice started up again. "DEREK?!?!" OH NO. NOT HER. NOT NOW. WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! The voice got closer and closer. Now she wasn't just looking at the guys dressed like Hercules, but at any member of the male species. I had to think fast. Think, Derek think. "Come with me" I looked at her for a response; she nodded in agreement. I entwined my hands with hers and we made our way outside. On the back end of the venue, there was a small garden. I took my Mystery girl to the garden. I had to escape Amber, but no way was I leaving this girl behind. What is going to happen after this dance? I can't lose this feeling. This feeling that only her touch causes. I can't lose her.

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