Chapter 10

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Mothra: Althought we need to organize before going, what about this time only 3 of us go in these 3 different places? If these threats are at the same level as Shinomura, one of us should be enough, especially after the training.

Biollante: Sounds good to me!

Rodan: Hold on, if there are only 3 enemies, doesn't that mean only 3 of us can go?

Godzilla: Basically yes.

Mothra: What about me, Godzilla and Kiryu go this time?

Kiryu: Alright.

Godzilla: Ok then, who goes where?

Mothra: I'll go to Halawa Bay.

Godzilla: Then I'll Egypt, it's been a long since I've been there.

Kiryu: I'll go to Aokigahara Forest then.

Rodan: Bro got the most depressing place, wait, I wanna go too!

Biollante: Yeah same!

Godzilla: Rodan, it hasn't passed much time after you fought the "Chicken with hooks"

Rodan: Ok! Ok! Whatever!

Anguirus: I'm fine honestly.

Godzilla: Ok, let's go there!

Godzilla: Ok, let's go there!

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Mothra flies searching Halawa Bay. She finds it and looks from the sky, checking If everything is ok.

Mothra: (Everything seems alright here).

Suddenly a Warbat emerges from the ground, but this time, he's way bigger, with larger wings with big spikes on them and sharper teeth, with a spike at the end of his tail.

Suddenly a Warbat emerges from the ground, but this time, he's way bigger, with larger wings with big spikes on them and sharper teeth, with a spike at the end of his tail

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Mothra: (Damn, I talked too soon. Wait a second, that's not a normal Warbat, he's different, is he their leader or something?)

King Warbat: Hey all of you come out.

A pack of Warbats appear.

King Warbat: Time to clean this planet from every life form!

Suddenly all the awarbat's heads get sliced off in a second.

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