Chapter 13

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2 Pods, one of Humpback Whales and the other of Beluga Whales peacefully swim.

2 Pods, one of Humpback Whales and the other of Beluga Whales peacefully swim

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Godzilla: (Something isn't right in the Arctic Ocean, I can feel it. I better go there before meeting Kiryu, Mothra and the others.)


A group of Whalers arrive near the pods in a boat.

Whaler 1: Seems like our lucky day today guys!

Whaler 2: Which one should we kill first?

Whaler 3: Let's go for the Humpbacks first, shall we?

Whaler 1: Alright.

The Whalers point a harpoon towards a Humpback Whale, but........

Suddenly a gigantic wave appears behind the Whalers.

Whaler 1: Holy shit.......

Massive dorsal plates that completely dwarf the boat in size emerge from the water.

The shocked Whalers can feel their heartbeat increasing faster and faster.

Whaler 1: I-I-It's G-G-God-d-d-d-zil-l-a

Godzilla gets closer to them to get a better look.

Godzilla gets closer to them to get a better look

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