Chapter 15

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Muto Prime: are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: No!!!!!!!

Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: NO!!!!!!!!

Muto Prime and Spacegodzilla arrive in the Milky Way

Muto Prime and Spacegodzilla arrive in the Milky Way

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Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They arrive in the Solar System where the Earth is in.

Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They arrive inside the Earth.

Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

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Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: Almost...........

They reach land.

Muto Prime: Are we there yet?

Spacegodzilla: Yes.

Muto Prime: Yay!


Godzilla and the others keep walking in the cave, trying to find the 3 Dragon Kaijus.

Inside the cave there are holes, which let the sunlight pass through them.

Suddenly, deep snores can be heard.

Rodan: Did you hear that? It's definitely them!

After following the sounds, Godzilla and the others finally come across 3 sleeping Kaijus.

2 of them resamble asian lung Dragons, while the other has wings and resambles a western Dragon.

Leviathan: Here they are.

Kiryu: We have to figure out how to awaken them, I highly doubt that loud sounds are going to be enough.

Rodan: Nah! I totally got this!

Biollante: I'm joining!

Godzilla: Oh God.........

Rodan and Biollante start roaring and slamming their wings and tentacles on the ground.

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