Chapter 25

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Battra turns back.

Mothra tackles Battra, which leads to both Kaijus to almost crash into the Green Mountain National Forest.


Before they reach land, Battra grabs Mothra by the claws and throws her

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Before they reach land, Battra grabs Mothra by the claws and throws her.

Mothra regains balance and lands.

Battra barely lands without falling.

Mothra opens her wings and claws while glowing before roaring at Battra.

Battra roars back.

(Full Soundtrack this time)

Battra: Sister, what a surprise..........

Mothra gives her an angry expression.

Mothra: You now joined Monster X and the Golden Demise's army to get revenge? I would've never thought you'd get to that point.

Battra: Yes, yes, I indeed joined the army, but you know what sister? I honestly don't care about ending and recreating the whole Omniverse, I only want to slaughter humans, I don't care about other races, or other planets, you very well know I just want to protect and save our planet, Earth.

Mothra: I told you Battra, all of you in that army miss an important point, especially your leader Monster X, humans are still part of this planet and not every human is a mindless killer of nature.

Battra: You still believe so...........after all these years..........we already fought over this thousands of years ago sister.........but's time to end wasn't a battle to the death before, but now my sister, YOU ARE GOING TO PERISH!

Both Mothra and Battra fly towards each other and engage in a flight battle.

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