Chapter 24

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Right before Monster X and the army go to unleash Gigan.

Megalon, HokMuto, FeMuto and Megaguirus all fall to the ground after emerging from their portal.

Monster X: (As expected.)

Tiamat: Did you all get ass-kicked?

All 4 of them: IT WASN'T MY FAULT!

Battra: How the hell is Megalon alive?

Megalon: Hey! Watchu mean by that??!!

Monster X: We were just going to revive Gigan right now.

Megalon: Really? My pal Gigan is ready?

Kevin: WOW! Gigan has sure made a lot of friends who care qbout him! That's soooooooooo cute!

Ichi: Kevin, why do you have to make everything seem akward?

Muto Prime: LET'S GO KEIZER! Shall we?

They arrive at the location where Gigan is mummified.

Monster X raises his arms.

Monster X: Gigan, rise.

Monster X: Gigan, rise

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(Drawing done by me.)

Nothing happens.

Monster X: Gigan, rise.

Nothing happens.

Spacegodzilla: That chicken is jerk even as "dead".

Muto Prime: Why the hell isn't it working????!!!!!!

Monster X: I truly can't understand why.

Megalon: Oh come on.............

Muto Prime: Hold on, I think I kniw why, try to say it way louder.

Monster X gives an uncomfortable expression.

Monster X: You think that is the reason?

Spacegodzilla: The fuck makes you think that?

Muto Prime: Come on Keizer! ROAR!

Monster X: (It actually makes sense now that I think about It, althought I can't believe I am doing this...........I'm ashamed of myself.)

Monster X raises his arms and roars (Not in a menacing way.)


The material surrounding Gigan's body starts to completely shatter.

The material surrounding Gigan's body starts to completely shatter

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