Who said i love you first

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Him, you had injured yourself and ended up in hospital when he came to see you the first thing he said was "I love you"


Him, He came up to the bar and said to make him something strong. You had designed a drink specifically for him so you tried it out. He drank it straight, while catching his breathe back he said "god I love you"


You, It was late at night and you had been out with Lamar and Franklin. Lamar had gotten yous into some shit and by the end of the night you where both exhausted. So when you reached your house you yelled back at Franklin sleepily "I love you" before entering your house. It took Franklin a good few minutes of walking until he realised what you had said. He slept peacefully that night.


Him, you had beat the shit out of someone who wasn't taking the deal seriously. It had pissed you off so you beat them up. Lamar just stood and watched cheering you on. When you walked away with just a bruised cheek he muttered "damn girl this is why I love you"


You, you where sitting on a bench at the beach. Ice cream in hands. You and Wade had just had an ordinary date like every other day. You looked up at him, he was licking his ice cream which made you laugh. "You know Wade I love you"


Him, You had gone out on a mission with Dave, you didn't tell Steve as you thought he wouldn't mind. Dave got a small injury but you remained harmless. When you had gotten back to the office news of the mission had gotten around. You went to see Steve in his office but he was pissed at you. "What would've happened if you had gotten hurt, I can't lose you to this job. I love you"


You, Trevor had returned and you where panicking. So you phoned Dave. He comforted you the best he could even though he himself was panicking as well. By the end of the call you where both more relaxed about the situation. Before you hung up you said "I love you Davey"


Both, it's just a thing you have been doing from the start of the relationship. It's normally just a simple I love you at the end of a phone call or when saying goodbye to each other.


Him, he said it on first meeting. After your unplanned date he dropped you off. When you stepped out the car he left the window open and shouted "I love you" while driving off.

I love you all :)
~the Headcannon Queen

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