How they celebrate your birthday

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-takes you to see a play or takes you to see a film either one will do.
-takes you home and will drink with you at the pool.
-buys you a few items but he's useless when it comes to knowing what women like. So, he just got you some random shit.

-has more than likely stolen money, then bought you stuff with that money.
-body slams you onto the bed at the end of the day and has "birthday" sex with you.
-overall decent fucking birthday and amazing sex.

-surprisingly cooks you a home made dinner. And it tastes fucking amazing.
-defo bought you a candle. It smelled nice though so.
-bought you a fancy ass cake.

-dressed chop in an "happy birthday" outfit.
-Didn't know what to buy you so just took you on a shopping trip (robbery).
-end of the night use ordered in food and cuddled.

-ice cream cake!!!!
-defo takes you to the zoo.
-buys you a stuffed animal at the end of the day from the gift store.

-he's a guy that'll spend all day in bed with you.
-either having sex or just chilling.
-will spoil you for like a week.

-he buys you jewellery pieces.
-takes you to a nice restaurant and buys you the most expensive food.
-takes you home and dances with you in the back garden.

-buys you the newest game consoles, phones, or video games.
-just chills at home playing your new video games with you.
-orders in a lot of take out.

-buys you so much stuff. It's like unreal how much he bought. So you where shocked when he apologised for not buying a lot.
-he bought you jewellery, clothing, new tech items.
-he took you out to a very expensive restaurant near the beach.

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