What kind of dog yous would get

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-you guys would start of with 1 Doberman and then slowly get 3 of them

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-you guys would start of with 1 Doberman and then slowly get 3 of them.
-it's always fun walking them all with Micheal. It's like you have 4 personal bodyguards.
-Dave once came to have a chat with Micheal and all three of them just sat and stared at him. Dave never came back round.


-it wasn't even planned

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-it wasn't even planned. You and Trevor just woke up to a Jack Russell in the trailer.
-Trevor being a fucking idiot named him Jack.
-you walk the dog Trevor tries to get the dog drunk off it's ass with him.


-a Rottweiler of course, you guys already had chop so Franklin got you a Rottweiler puppy for your birthday

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-a Rottweiler of course, you guys already had chop so Franklin got you a Rottweiler puppy for your birthday.
-you guys compete on what dog can do the best tricks.
-they both sleep in the bed with you and yeah you guys have a habit of waking up on the floor cause the bed belongs to the dogs.


-Lamar and you took in a German shepherd stray

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-Lamar and you took in a German shepherd stray.
-you take him on drug deals to scare the shit out of people.
-Lamar trained him to take yous home if yous ever end up high somewhere.


-Wade got upset watching John Wick because the dog died so you bought him a beagle dog

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-Wade got upset watching John Wick because the dog died so you bought him a beagle dog... that he called Daisy.
-the dog has wades hyper personality.
-Wade says he doesn't love the dog as much as you but sometimes you get jealous of her.


-Steve first had a golden retriever first and then he bought you one for Christmas

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-Steve first had a golden retriever first and then he bought you one for Christmas.
-you both love going for runs with the two dogs. Especially along the beach.
-Steve says they annoy him but deep down he would kill a man for them.


-an Australian shepherd

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-an Australian shepherd. Dave got this little one while out on a mission with Steve. Steve of course was just gonna kill it. But Dave took the puppy home.
-Dave defo gets jealous of the dog. He doesn't admit it though.


-Lester hated dogs, so when you showed up with a Pomeranian pup he was far from pleased

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-Lester hated dogs, so when you showed up with a Pomeranian pup he was far from pleased.
-over time he grew to 'tolerate' the dog.
-in his words it's a good arm rest.


-it started of with one husky

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-it started of with one husky. And then another and another x6
-Devin just fell in love with every single one that he would see.
-you couldn't tell him no since you adored all the dogs equally.

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