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Chapter 13

    Kashima Wakaba grasped the magic cane tightly, leaped briskly, and jumped in front of the man-eating tiger in an instant. At this moment, she was not at all dexterous like herself before.

    Her movements are also so light and agile, like a butterfly flying through the air.

    The man-eating tiger was enraged in an instant, it pounced fiercely at Kashima Wakaba, and waved its sharp front paws, but unexpectedly, in the next second, its front paws were caught by her instead.

    The girl's slender figure was in stark contrast to the giant tiger in front of her.

    If there are other people watching, I am afraid they will all feel terrified.

    Kashima Wakaba hooked her lips, she clenched her fingers tightly, and slammed upwards.

    The huge body of the man-eating tiger was thrown away easily by Kashima Wakaba. It was almost uncontrollable, as light as a feather.

    The silver-white body drew an arc like a streamer, and then landed hard on the ground with a "bang".

    Its body instantly splashed the sand on the ground, and the dust filled the air, giving off a choking smell.

    At this moment, the man-eating tiger's eyes were even more fierce. Where did it suffer from such a loss, it wished to crush her head directly, shook a few times, stood up again, and let out a roar of "oooooo" from its nasal cavity. Then in the next moment, he rushed towards Kashima Wakaba again like lightning.

    But Kashima Wakaba stood still, but clenched his fists, raised his arms high and slammed towards the man-eating tiger.

    "Woo--" With a howl of pain, the man-eating tiger's head was instantly tilted to the side by the force of the fist, the fist wind surged, and the man-eating tiger's hair trembled.

    Kashima Wakaba didn't hesitate much, immediately picked up the magic staff, chanted the spell, and saw a golden rope pop out of nowhere, as if sensing its position, instantly tied the man-eating tiger tightly.

    "Crack! Crack! Crack!"

    There was a sudden clear applause behind him.

    There seems to be an echo in the silent night.

    ——Hey, the mentality exploded! What a shame! I'm ashamed to see people, is there a seam on the ground? I want to get in! !

    ——I was just a little short of dying in place!

    Maybe people are too desperate, so they just smashed the jar, even though Kashima Wakaba had a strong urge to die at this time, she still turned her head nonchalantly, and looked at Osamu Dazai who was applauding.

    The tall and straight figure of the young man came out of the darkness at a leisurely pace, and seemed to be more slender due to the dark light and shadow, his face was calm, but there was a novel smile on the corner of his mouth: "Wow, what a wonderful duel. "

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