- Interview -

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Jonas : ".........."

y/n : ".............."

The both of you stared at each other for about five minutes before Jonas breaks the silence.

Jonas : "Umm sorry for staring, I was just-"

y/n : "Why are you staring at me...?"

Jonas : "Well I was just wondering if- never mind...."

y/n : "What? Just say it, I won't judge." I mean I would but I won't say it out loud...

Jonas : "No it's alright, you should prepare to sleep now. It's already dark."

y/n : "Don't change the subject just tell me what you wanted to say."

Jonas : "No it's fine, it'll be rude if I do so."

y/n : "Just say it, it doesn't matter. After all, it's just the two of us."

Jonas : "I'm sorry for being rude but can you tell me about your community?"

y/n : "Why did you think asking me that is rude? Because it's not."

Jonas : "........I've been taught that way..."

y/n : "Just ignore those stupid rules when you're with me, I don't really care about them."

Jonas : "But I can't-"

y/n : "No, you can, but you know that the community won't approve of this, so only do it with me."

It took a while for Jonas to response. He had to choose an option, either his community or his feelings, which is a hard choice since he really appreciates his community but he also been wanting to finally speak his mind. There were many things he wanted to say but can't because of the rules, but now the opportunity to say those things is standing right in front of him. Jonas made up his mind.

Jonas : "Ok I will, I've always been wanting to do this."

y/n : "Alrighttt that's the spirt! So I'll answer your questions and you'll answer mine, got it?"

Jonas : "Oh so this is like an interview?"

y/n : "Yeah that's basically it..ok so I read that the people in your community can't choose your own partner right?"

Jonas : "Yes, we apply for a partner and the Council of Elders will carefully pick for the perfect match."

y/n : "Such a worthless and painful life..."

Jonas : "But it's not..? The Council of Elders are always careful about their decisions so I trust that they can find the perfect match for anyone."

y/n : "?......Well in my community we can choose our own partner but it depends if the person we chose wants to be with us or not."

Jonas felt a shocking expression while eying you up and down, not believing that y/n's community would allow normal citizens to make such a dangerous decision like that.

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