- The start to an end -

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Jonas : "I have something to tell you."


y/n : "Say it."

Jonas was hesitant to tell what was on his mind. He learnt his lesson yesterday...but he also wanted to gamble the possibilities.

Jonas : "So I..."


y/n : *looks at the clock* "Quickly! Say it!"

Jonas's limbs started to shiver, and it didn't help that he started breathing heavily. But his will to say the truth made him persevere.

Jonas : "I- I- I- wanted to s-say thank you..."

y/n : Why did he stutter so much...it's just speaking...

Jonas : *took a deep breath* "Phew OK SO....Thank you for the past few days and I hope you will find someone that will love, care and cherish you...The moments we had together were beautiful but I hope that we will never meet each other ever again..."

You frowned, acting confused. Even though you knew that you weren't going to see him anyways, you were still hurt by his words.


y/n : Why am I hurt?...No no I shouldn't get attached to people outside of my community...that was the first thing they taught me...

Jonas : "I'm not done yet....One last thing I want to get off my chest...I REALLY HATE YOU...but I also really love you at the same time...I don't know what's wrong with me..."

y/n : "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...You talk like I'm your ex. But oh well..I hope you can move on to someone else..preferably back to Fiona."

Jonas : "...I'll try..."

y/n : "You see..this is the pain of having feelings, but you can bare it right?"

Jonas : "I can. I think."


y/n : One more minute left before I reunite with my phone ~

Jonas : *looks at the clock* Yikes....I really don't want y/n to leave....y/n, the first guest to make me know what feelings are, how will I ever live normally ever again...

y/n : ".....If you have nothing to say anymore then I'm leaving."

You stared into his teary eyes before turning around and walking towards the portal. Suddenly, your instincts told you to turned back...

Jonas tried to speak but he was choked with tears; even so he still tried.

y/n : "...Don't look at me like that.."

Jonas : *sniffs* "y/n...I-"


y/n : "shit..QUICKLY SAY IT!.."

Jonas : "I love..."

Jonas x y/n - the giverWhere stories live. Discover now