- Confession -

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Mother : "Welcome back Jonas and y/n. Let's start the evening ritual now."

Lily : "I'l start! I'll start! So....."

The evening ritual was like usual, but this time you paid attention to every little detail. You noticed that something is wrong with Jonas's story since he said that he felt glad to bring me to volunteer, but if you look carefully at his face, you could see that he was confused about something.

y/n : I know I shouldn't care about other people especially when I barely know them but I can't help but feel bad for Jonas...

You tiptoed to Jonas's room to avoid the family's attention and quickly shut the door. You sat beside the bed and closed your eyes. This was the perfect time to recollect with your thoughts and feelings, and to finally be alone.

Jonas : *carefully opens the door* "y/n."

y/n : *yawns and rubs your eyes* "hmm?"

Jonas : "Can you explain to me this weird, warm, confusing, heart swirling sensation feeling is?"

y/n : "What? What even is that feeling.....heart swirling sensation?...Feels similar...Can you explain more or be more specific of your situation."

Jonas : "Ok ok I'll tell you what exactly happened...so lately I've been dreaming about Fiona..."

y/n : Wait is this the stirrings?

Jonas : "The dreams were about me and Fiona doing something like volunteering together but then the dream would be suddenly filled with strange actions that I nor Fiona would ever do in reality. But strange enough, I felt the desire and desperation to do the abnormal act. The wanting was so strong that I couldn't kept it in. This happened before you came to visit but I couldn't bring myself up to tell my family about these obscure dreams, it was too embarrassing for me to admit...somehow.."

y/n : Lust. That was the feeling he was experiencing....Yep definitely stirrings..

y/n : "I know what you're feeling now...it's lust.."

Jonas : "How have I never heard of this word before?...Lust....Then what are the feelings that I felt during the days..."

y/n : "Like thinking about Fiona? Thinking how cute she is, praising her and stuff?"

Jonas : "You can read minds!?"

y/n : "No but what you're feeling isn't weird. It happens to everyone honestly, but it's just considered 'strange' in your community."

y/n : "It's weird how your community forces people to eat pills that suppresses your emotions of lust and desire."

Jonas : "..........I still don't get what you're saying but all I know is I really like Fiona.."

y/n : "It's called a 'crush'.."

Jonas : "So I have a crush on Fiona?"

y/n : "Well yes..those dreams and thought were just you being lovesick, so don't worry about it being abnormal, because it's not."

Jonas x y/n - the giverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon