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8 months later


y/n : *yawns* Just another Monday...

After that trip, your life wasn't the same ever again. After sending in your project, a few days later you got promoted to your dream job, a community investigator. This made you knew that your community already has made a move and already attacked Jonas's community. Ever since that day you've always checked your calendar to see if it 8 months already passed by or not. And today was exactly 8 months always from the last day you met Jonas.
Ever since that day, you started talking to Minho (Lee know) and has gotten a lot closer to the skz members; you guys are now practically best friends. You don't have a crush on Minho anymore but are friends with each other. Your life was a lot better than before but you were still worried about Jonas. "Is he going to survive the attack?," "I wonder what he's going through right now," those types of thoughts do pop up occasionally.


y/n : Ugh did Seungmin spammed the chat again? *checks message*


Head of Community Investigation :
Hello miss/mister y/n, I would like to tell you that a new boy would be joining our community. He says that he knows you so it might be best for you to be his guide. He's going to be the same class as you so take good care of him, and of course I will pay you. His name is Jonas. Are you okay with being his guide?

y/n :
Of course sir.
I'll take care of him.

Head of Community Investigation :
I'm glad that you can handle this job. I'll pay you tomorrow.

You were freaking out and going absolutely insane after hearing the word "Jonas."
But it's not the going to the same Jonas that you're thinking about right? You wouldn't know unless you see him with your own eyes.

You tried to keep your cool while running as fast as you can to the school entrance.

y/n : "Olivia and Jeongin!! Where are the other?" *panting*

Jeongin : "They're all talking to the new boy-"

FAMILIAR...wait what's his name again?"

Jeongin : "It's Jonas dumbass...you can't even remember a simple name."

Olivia : "Fuck you-"

y/n : "......Where is he?..." *your facial expression not hiding the fact that you're shocked*

Jeongin : "I think in the classroom. Why? You wanna know how hot he is? Well he's not your type anyways-"

y/n : "Thanks." *runs to the classroom*

Olivia : "OH! No wonder Jonas's name sound

Jeongin : "Is there something y/n hasn't told me yet?"

Olivia : "Telling you won't hurt tho..since it's not a secret."

This was the fastest you ever ran in your life, even the wind resistance didn't hold you back. As you stopped right in front of the classroom, you hesitated a bit. Should I enter? Or should I not? I want to see him but also don't want to talk to him. These thoughts were the only thing keeping you from opening the door, so you decided to eavesdrop their conversation to confirm if Jonas is really here or not. Since you could still recognize his voice.

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