metal sonic takes the cake or girl

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"Ok metal see Amy yet" said Eggman to metal sonic over the radio (in male robot voice)" negative no pink hedgehogs with a green shirt and orange skirt at the party. reponed metal sonic "that's classic Amy you dunce." yelled Eggman "here I'll send you a photo" he added "processing data new info downloaded new image detected "metal sonic said. then metal sonic grabbed Amy and Amy yelled "sonic help me sonic do something ahhhhhh" Huh Eggman that son of a #%$* give me back my wife" sonic said while chasing after metal sonic " one word or two letters NO!" metal replied and then patted his butt. Ok you've just picked the hard way. then he picked up a rock at metal sonic metal dodged it and then laughed and pointed at sonic. "Just let her go" sonic said with fury in his eyes. "Ok if you say so." he then dropped Amy "SONIC HELP!!!!!" Amy screamed sonic ran as fast as he could "and Gatch 'a" he caught Amy then metal sonic said bast I thought that would work." 

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