where's tails

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sonic runs up to tails house he ready to tell tails about the whole I'm your best friend from the future thing. then he rings his doorbell but no answer "hello tails you home" sonic yelled through the window the lights were off. "I think he wouldn't mind me letting myself in." sonic said as he let open the door. when he walked in there was little machine parts everywhere. then sonic noticed a little note all folded up on tails desk. then he picked it up and said "maybe he had a doctor's appointment and left this here for me." then unfolded it the note read.

dear bule loser

If you ever want to see tails alive again you and Amy will have to tell me everything about the future that you know and you must wear this shirt under the plane and there's one for Amy two.

hate form Dr.Eggman the cool one

sonic scribbled out the cool one and used some white out on tails desk and wrote the fatty fatty fat.the kissed the paper and said [in french accent] perfection

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