Sega CD rematch alive vs ai

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"Ok it looks like two against one." said sonic as he stretched to prepare. metal sonic replied "[insert uh uh uh you didn't say the magic word] I've got my wife. rusty rose walks in and says, "honey is this bule hedgehog bothering you." "Yes, we must destroy him and his wife" relied metal sonic "perfect I've always wanted to .exe if you know what I mean." rusty rose said with an evil look. metal sonic laughs but is interrupted by a homing attack from sonic but returns the hit with a laser blast. then Amy tries to hit rusty rose with her Piko Piko hammer, but rusty rose extended her legs to trip her but as she falls, she hits her with her hammer. metal after they go back and forth with hits the robots start to smoke and eclectic sparks fly everywhere then sonic, and Amy push them in a river. you may have fhewgyehurfgeri this time but4y32yru3g4yu next time well .exe you sonic. then a robotic arm picks up metal sonic and rusty rose its from the egg carrier 2.0. "well Ames that was someday let's get some sleep okay." sonic said to Amy yep I'm tried *yawn*" Amy replied. then she passed out sonic caught her an carried her home.    

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