Chapter 1

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Killer's pov:

It was a cold winter night in a alleyway. I was laying in a cardboard box. While holding myself to somewhat keep me warm. I had a thin blanket on me, that some old lady gave me out of pity.
I felt myself shaking from the cold. I slowly got out of the cardboard box and slowly made my way out the alley; while having the blanket rapped around me.

I walked along the city streets until a pretty little cat walked a crossed my legs. I smiled softly while looking at the cat, as the purred against my leg. I leaned down and pet them on top of his head. "Where's your home little guy?" I asked them softly. As I caressed their head. I walked over to the side of the building and leaned against it. The kitten came over and laid on my lap. I slowly pet it as it purred. "I think he likes you." I heard a smoothing voice say. I flinched as I looked up. I saw a skeleton like me looking down at the cat and me gently. He had a red scar on his cheek. He was wearing a White and black pattern scarf with a thick light gray hoodie on. "I think so too..." I said quietly as I looked back at the cat. "Do you have a home?" He asked me. I stayed quiet for a moment before shaking my head, no. "Do you want to stay with me?" He asked me. "No thanks, I'm ok here." I told his a politely as I could. I've been with enough creeps to know this trick. "Hmm I'm not going to hurt you." He said smoothly. "No really it's fine, plus I think this cat needs to go home." I told him again. "Alright but here take this it's cold out." He sighed as he gave me his scarf, and rapped it around my neck. He stood up and walked away.
I picked up the cat and started to walk back to the alleyway.

I sat down and closed my eyes. With the cat sitting next to me. I looked over at them as they looked back. "What's your name? Hmm I'll call you soop~" I said happily.
I sighed as I laid down next to him. I closed my eyes.
I shot them back open when I heard a door slam open. "Hey!what did I say about sleeping here!" He shout. I sat up and saw the bread shop man looking at me angrily. He stomped over to me. "I'm so sorry! I just don't have anywhere else to stay!" I panicked. He stood in front of me and slapped me hard in the face. I winced at the pain. "This is the last straw! I don't care that you are a omega! You're coming with me!" He shouted at me. As he dragged me inside. "Wait no! I'm sorry please! I'll do anything!" I begged. As soop came in after us. "Shut up!" He screamed at me. He pulled me closer to him and kept me in a tightly hold with one arm. I pushed on his chest trying to free myself. When we heard a door open. I immediately started crying, asking him to let me go.
I heard the run up to the desk. "Sir, let him go!" I looked up at the guy to see it was the same person from earlier. "He was-" "he dragged me in here and won't let go!" I cut him off as I 'sobbed'. "Sir, I am a part of the Royal Guard! If you don't let them go I'll bring you in myself!" He ordered. The bread man groaned before he let go of me harshly; making me hit the counter and cry out in pain. "Thats it sir! You are under arrest for harassment!" He shouted as he came behind the counter and knocked him unconscious. But before he could fall he grabbed him by his Collar. And sat him down on ground before coming over to me. "Are you alright?" He asked me, as he gently rubbed my cheek. I let out a little sniff as I nodded slightly. "I'll call for back up while you go sit down." He told me. I nodded and sat down on a chair in front of the couch. The cat crawled up on me and rubbed its head against my chest as it purred. I looked up to see the man making a phone call while looking at the man.

A few minutes later a couple of police cars showed up. The walked in side and took the unconscious man in handcuffs.
A lady cop came over to me and leaned down in front of me. "Did the man hurt you?" She asked me sympathetically. I just looked down at my cat. "Do you want us to bring you home?" She asked me. "I don't have a home." I told her. "Oh ok... uh..." she said unsure what to say. She walked over to the man and started to talk to him. He got on the phone and started to call someone.

After a minute or so he hung up the phone and came up to me. "You'll be coming with me." He said as he gently took my hand. As I held soop in the other. We walked outside where we waited until a black car pulled up. He opened the back door for me. I went in and buckled myself in as I held soop close to me. The man got in after me and sat right next to me. He closed the door before talking to the people in the front. The driver had a hole in his head and the other was wearing a hoodie.

It was a 30 minute drive until we pulled into a castle. A butler Opened the door for me to get out. I stared in amazement at the ancient building. The man took me into the castle that was heavily guarded.
We walked up stairs and down hallways. "Uhh sir where are we going?" I asked him. " oh where are my manners, my name is cross." He introduced himself "but I'm bringing you to a bathroom to take a shower." He told me. "Oh well my name is killer." I told him.  "Very pretty name." He complemented me. "Thank you.." I blushed.
He opened a door to a random bathroom and pushed me in. "A maid will bring you clothes and a towel when you're done." And with that he closed the door. I sighed as I stripped myself of my clothes. I turned on the shower and let it get hot before I got in.
I soon heard a knock at the door. "I'm here with your clothes." They said through the door. "Come in!" I said. I heard the door open and someone walk in before leaving again.
When I finish, I turned the water off and got out. I grabbed the towel that was hanging on a rack.
I dried my body before putting on the clothes they gave me.
It was a black turtleneck with long sleeves, with black tights under rip Jeans.
It's weird to wear something so casual in the kings castle.
I opened the door and was about to walk out when "where do you think your going?" I heard someone asked me. I flinched in surprise. I looked over to see cross smiling at me. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He apologize. "It's alright." I said before going up to him. "But why am I here?" I asked him. "The king will tell you tomorrow. But for now you'll be staying with me." He told me. "Oh? So does that mean I can have a tour?" I asked him. "I don't see why not." He shrugged.

My first chapter is complete!
Sorry if there are any mistakes!
I'll post chapters as soon as I get them done( ◠‿◠ )

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