Chapter 4

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I was sitting on my bed, board out of my mind when I heard a knock at my door. "Master killer, dinner is ready." I heard a maid say outside my rooms door. I groaned as I stood up. I walked out the door and headed towards the dining room.
I slowly opened the door to be met with a big ass dining table. Nightmare was sitting at the end of it. But there was someone I have never seen before. He was glitching and had error' all over him. I sat down next to cross which was in front of the mystery skeleton. "So this is the omega you were talking about?" The skeleton asked. "He indeed is." Nightmare replied. "I see why you picked this one." The dark skeleton said, looking me up and down. "Is he royalty? I've never seen him before." He asked. "He is not, but that's why I need you to cover that up." Nightmare told him. "So where did you get him." The glitch said, with a now disgusted look. Nightmare looked over at cross. "Uh I found him in a bakery being harassed by the owner." Cross told him. "Mhh." The dark skeleton hummed unamused.
That made me remember something. I poked cross in the leg with my finger. He leaned over slightly while still looking forward. I leaned over to his ear and put my hand to the side of my mouth so they can't see what I'm saying. "Where is my cat?" I whispered. "He is still in the maids quarters, I can go get him after if you wish." Cross whispered back. "Yes please.." I whispered amused. He nodded before sitting up straight again.
"Why was the owner harassing him?" The glitch asked cross. "I actually no idea." Cross said as he scratched his skull with his pointer finger. The dark skeleton looked over at expectingly. "I-I think he was trying to be perverted." I said quietly. Nightmares eyes narrowed. The skeleton nodded his head in understanding. "Pardon me, but I've never got your name." I said looking at the dark skeleton. "ErR0r." He said bluntly.
At that time the maids came in and put food in front of us. For some reason my personal maid gave me my portion. She gave me a wink before leaving. I looked at her confused but she had already left. I looked back at the food confused. I sniffed it a little before covering my face in shock. This isn't normal food, it's edibles! "Are you alright?" I heard cross ask. I turned over to him with a panicked look and pointed at my food. "Is there something wrong with it?" He asked. "Smell it.." I whispered to him. He took a fork and took a small piece and sniffed it. "Oh sweet Jesus." He whispered to himself. "Dust!" Cross whispered-yelled towards dust. He looked towards as cross waved him over. He walked towards us and leaned down next to cross. "There filled with cannabis." Cross whispered towards him. Dust took a fork and took a piece of the food before sniffing it and taking a bite of it. I gasp slightly. "We literally are royalty you would expect them to at least make good edibles." Dust said before standing back up. "Edibles?" Horror asked. "Cannabis." Dust replied. "Ugh." Nightmare groaned in annoyance. "Which maid gave you the plate?"
"I didn't get the maids name." I said softly. "I mean what did they look like?" He asked. "I didn't see what they looked like.." I scratched my skull. He frowned. "But that's alright I just won't eat it."
"Man that is some strong shit." Dust said while leaning on my chair with his arm. "Here let me help you." I said as I stood up and took dust by the hand. I slowly walked him to his chair and sat him down. Nightmare called a maid over and took my plate away. I quickly walked up to the maid and whispered in her ear. "Hey don't get me another plate please."
"Yes master killer." She nodded before walking out the room.
I went back to my seat and sat down again. We stayed silent until error broke the silence. "So when will you get engaged?" He asked. "Soon." Nightmare said. I looked at them flustered. Engaged?! Well I should have guessed. But at least I will be rich..
"Ugh soon isn't enough. You need a heir like now, you old fuck." Error told him. Man this guy is bold. "Shut the fuck up, you ass." Nightmare insulted back. "It's not my fault you waited five-fucking-hundred years to find a mate." Error said back.
They kept on bickering at each other.
I looked over at cross and took him by the arm for comfort. Omegas usually find alphas for safety and comfortability. And it's a alphas instinct to protect and make the omega comfortable.
He looked over at me as he softened his eyes. He hugged me with one arm tightly. I leaned on him slightly and purred quietly. He was so warm and softly! "I think your mate has a favorite." Error said, now looking at me and cross. "He's just so soft!" I said happily as I snuggled into cross more. "Everyone say 'I' if your from now on going to wear soft clothes." Dust said in a haze.
And I shit you not everyone said in unison "I". I think I even heard some of the maids say it.
I giggled slightly at them. "I wouldn't mind that." I said as I close my eyes to relax more. I heard someone walk up next to me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see, my maid. She leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Sir you need to eat, I know about your disease so I'm going to give you CBD to help you." She told me. "You look to skinny for royalty."
"Pardon me?" I said in shock. "But when was that any of your business?" I asked her. "I- well-" she stuttered. "it's quite rude to body shame someone over something they cannot control." I said to her out loud. Everyone was paying attention to us now. "I'm quite offended that you would suggest me such a thing."
"What did she say." Cross asked me while glaring at her. "A drug." I said to him. "Excuse me?!" I heard nightmare yell as he slammed his fist on the table. "If I ever see you near him again, you and your family will be sent to prison!!"
I saw that she was a little shaken up. She quickly ran out the room covering her self with her arms. I felt a little bad for her. "Your majesty, if I may say, but I think that was a bit far." I told nightmare as he sat back down. "Not at all." He said as he went back to eating.
We ate in silence for the rest of dinner.

Me and cross walked out the room together. I stopped him outside the hall. I pushed on his arm until he got the hint and took off his jacket. I smiled greedily and put it on. It was so soft and fluffy! But heavy and big ass fuck.. but I'm happy with it. I snuggled up to the jacket and sniffed it lightly. "You like my jacket that much?" He asked. I nodded happily. "But it's so heavy." I commanded. "Yeah I know." Cross chuckled. "It's so heavy~ I can't even walk." I whined as I throw myself at cross and landed in his arms. "I know you are lying." I said as he looked down at me. "To think I would do that?!" I gasped dramatically. He just looked away with a unsure face. "I'm offended." I said as I puffed my cheeks. He chuckled as we walked down the hallway.

He put me down in front of a large door. He opened it and walked in. I followed after to see that we were in a long ass hallway. We walked until we were met with a kitchen and a few maids talking to each other. When they saw us they immediately bowed down before us. "Yes, masters?" One asked. "Where is the cat?" Cross asked. One of the maids turned around and picked up something. She walked over to me and gave me soop. I instantly snuggled up to him. He purred happily. "I missed you~" I cooed happily. The maid giggled at us. "You guys are so cute." A maid commanded. "Thank you~" I said happily. "You're welcomed."
Cross glared at us but I ignored it. "Can I keep him here? I will visit and stuff but I don't have time." I asked her. "of Course, we would be happy too!" She cheered.

I ran out of ideas...
Thank you for reading this chapter!
God this is cringey ToT

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